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Triggered when the number of characters entered in a "Search" tool is equal to the value of _MBA_FILTER_MIN_NB_CHARACTERS or when the user pastes a text in the search field. In the latter case, the triggered events are AfterCloseSearchList, then BeforeOpenSearchList.


Triggered after closing a context-sensitive menu.


Triggered before opening a context-sensitive menu.


Triggered when the number of characters entered in a "Search" tool exceeds the value of _MBA_FILTER_MIN_NB_CHARACTERS.


Triggered when the user left- or right-clicks over an element with the DRAG_DROP property set to *TRUE. This event lets the user perform a drag and drop operation using the DD_EXECUTE_DRAG method, once the data to be transferred has been specified by the DD_WRITE_DATA method.

The DD_KEYBOARD_STATE and DD_MOUSE_STATE properties identify which buttons and keys are depressed when the event occurs.

The DD_X_AXIS and DD_Y_AXIS properties contain the mouse pointer's position relative to the object. The ACTION_ELEMENT property identifies the clicked element.


Triggered in a destination object when the mouse pointer is over the object.

The DD_KEYBOARD_STATE, DD_MOUSE_STATE, DD_X_AXIS and DD_Y_AXIS properties contain the keyboard and mouse statuses, and the mouse pointer's coordinates relative to the object.

The DD_DATA_AVAILABLE and DD_READ_DATA methods can be used.

The DD_ALLOWED_ACTIONS property contains the actions that the source object allows the user to perform.

The ACTION_ELEMENT property identifies the element (if it exists) under the mouse pointer.

At the end of the event, the DD_ACTION_DROP property should contain the action that would be performed if the user released the mouse button at that location. This value is used by the system to determine the mouse pointer shape.


Triggered in a destination object when the user releases the mouse button.

The DD_ACTION_DROP, DD_X_AXIS and DD_Y_AXIS properties contain the action performed and the mouse pointer's coordinates relative to the object.

The ACTION_ELEMENT property identifies the element (if it exists) under the mouse pointer.

The DD_DATA_AVAILABLE and DD_READ_DATA methods can be used to retrieve the transferred data.

Releasing the mouse button terminates the DD_EXECUTE_DRAG method that was executed as a result of the source object's DD_BeginDrag event.

If the action is a 'move' action, the data must be deleted from the source object.


Triggered in a destination object when the mouse pointer arrives over the object.

The DD_KEYBOARD_STATE, DD_MOUSE_STATE, DD_X_AXIS and DD_Y_AXIS properties contain the keyboard and mouse statuses, and the mouse pointer's coordinates relative to the object.

The DD_DATA_AVAILABLE and DD_READ_DATA methods can be used.

The DD_ALLOWED_ACTIONS property contains the actions that the source object allows the user to perform.

The ACTION_ELEMENT property identifies the element (if it exists) under the mouse pointer.

The DD_ACTION_DROP property can be updated to indicate what action would be performed if the user released the mouse button at that location. This value is used by the system to determine the mouse pointer shape.


Triggered in a destination object when the mouse pointer moves away from the object.


Triggered when the user modifies the value associated with a menu element with a _MBA_EDITABLE representation. The relevant tool and element are given by the ACTION_TOOL and ACTION_ELEMENT properties. ACTION_ELEMENT_X_AXIS and ACTION_ELEMENT_WIDTH properties indicate the position of the clicked element in the toolbar.


Triggered when the object loses the focus.


Triggered when the user clicks on the object with the left mouse button. The element under the mouse cursor when it is clicked is given by the ACTION_ELEMENT property (which may be set to _MBA_NONE). The coordinates of the pointer are defined by the POINTER_X and POINTER_Y properties. The ACTION_ELEMENT_X_AXIS and ACTION_ELEMENT_WIDTH properties indicate the position of the clicked element in the toolbar.


Triggered when the user double-clicks on the object with the left mouse button. The element under the mouse cursor when it is clicked is given by the ACTION_ELEMENT property (which may be set to _MBA_NONE). The coordinates of the pointer are defined by the POINTER_X and POINTER_Y properties. The ACTION_ELEMENT_X_AXIS and ACTION_ELEMENT_WIDTH properties indicate the position of the clicked element in the toolbar.


Triggered when the mouse pointer is moved within the area covered by the object.


Triggered when the user clicks on a context-sensitive menu of the object with the left mouse button.

The tool, the context-sensitive menu and the option are defined by the ACTION_TOOL, ACTION_MENU and ACTION_MENU_OPTION properties (the value of the ACTION_TOOL property can be _MBA_NONE). The coordinates of the pointer are defined by the POINTER_X and POINTER_Y properties.


Triggered when the user clicks on the notification badge associated with the object with the left mouse button. The tool and the element under the mouse click are given by the ACTION_TOOL and ACTION_ELEMENT properties (their value can be equal to _MBA_NONE. The coordinates of the pointer are defined by the POINTER_X and POINTER_Y properties. The ACTION_ELEMENT_X_AXIS and ACTION_ELEMENT_WIDTH properties indicate the position of the clicked element in the toolbar.


Triggered when the user double-clicks on the notification badge associated with the object with the left mouse button. The tool and the element under the mouse click are given by the ACTION_TOOL and ACTION_ELEMENT properties (their value can be equal to _MBA_NONE.  The coordinates of the pointer are defined by the POINTER_X and POINTER_Y properties. The ACTION_ELEMENT_X_AXIS and ACTION_ELEMENT_WIDTH properties indicate the position of the clicked element in the toolbar.


Triggered when the user clicks on the object with the right mouse button. The element under the mouse cursor when it is clicked is given by the ACTION_ELEMENT property (which may be set to _MBA_NONE). The coordinates of the pointer are defined by the POINTER_X and POINTER_Y properties. The ACTION_ELEMENT_X_AXIS and ACTION_ELEMENT_WIDTH properties indicate the position of the clicked element in the toolbar.


Triggered when the user double-clicks on the object with the right mouse button. The element under the mouse cursor when it is clicked is given by the ACTION_ELEMENT property (which may be set to _MBA_NONE). The coordinates of the pointer are defined by the POINTER_X and POINTER_Y properties. The ACTION_ELEMENT_X_AXIS and ACTION_ELEMENT_WIDTH properties indicate the position of the clicked element in the toolbar.


Triggered when the user selects a search element or clicks on the search button. The tool and the element affected by the mouse click are defined by the ACTION_TOOL and ACTION_ELEMENT properties. The coordinates of the pointer are defined by the POINTER_X and POINTER_Y properties. The ACTION_ELEMENT_X_AXIS and ACTION_ELEMENT_WIDTH properties indicate the position of the clicked element in the toolbar.


Triggered when the object is placed in focus.

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