The procedure for adding a database (i.e. the interface files containing the selected fields) to a Crystal Reports report is described below:
1. Select the Database expert option in the Crystal Reports layout manager's Database menu.
The Database expert dialog box is displayed.
2. In the tree view, expand the contents of the Create new connection folder, then select Field definitions only .
3. Double-click Field definitions only .
The Field definitions only dialog box is displayed.
4. Click the Browse button for the Field definition file input field.
5. In the file selection box, move to the directory defined in the system variable TEMP (whose length must not exceed 248 characters), and then the sub-directory with the same name as the current Adelia environment and finally the sub-directory with the same name as the template code for the program currently being edited. Select the " _data.ttx" interface file. Then click the Open button.
6. The Field definitions only dialog box is displayed again, with the input field containing the name of the selected file. Click the Finish button.
7. The Database expert dialog box is displayed again, with the new table selected in it. Click the Add button to include it in the list of selected tables.
8. Click OK .
Now, the fields in the file can be placed using the Display menu's Field explorer option: In the Field explorer, expand the contents of the Database fields folder in order to access the fields to be inserted.
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