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You will find below the conditions to comply with in order to ensure compatibility between the C and the RPG generators for ADELIA programs.

  • Multi-column subfiles are considered as single column.

  • It is recommended to have a column heading constant for each subfile field instead of one constant containing all the column headings.

  • Avoid placing a subfile's column headings in one single variable.

  • The subfile records displayed on several lines, whether truncated (SFLDROP) or not, will appear on one single line that you will have to scroll through laterally to see the rest of the record.

  • The IBM DDS keywords specified as "Other parameters" in the printer or display file, the formats or the fields will not be taken into account.

  • Only transactional help is available.

  • The screen format characteristics corresponding to IBM DDS keywords (ASSUME, CLRL, PUTOVR, OVERLAY, etc.) are not taken into account.

  • If the available function keys or options are displayed dynamically, and if you want a "PC" type conversion (context-sensitive wmenu for the options, buttons for the function keys), you must define the options and function keys to be displayed in the transaction.

  • Do not design the interface with one logic for each format, since Adelia uses a transactional logic (screen image defined as a whole, and not format by format).

  • The "blink", "underline" and "column separator" attributes are not taken into account (same for MAKE_BLINK, UNDERLINE and COL_SEPARATOR 4GL instructions).


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