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PROCESS_PGM PgmNameOrAlphaVarId CallType SeriesParameters



PgmName | &AlphaVarId




  *BACK_AJAX PopupCall | PopupCall


  *BACK PopupCall |






PopupType | PopupType(PopupParam)




SeriesAttributesVal | SeriesAttributesVal , PageName | VarId  | VarId , PageName | ' ' , PageName


SeriesAttributesVal , AttributeVal | None


Attribute = Value


'name_of_a_page' | PageVarId


SeriesParameters Parameter | None



This instruction stops the current process and triggers processing of the WADELIA PgmName program, or of the program whose JSP name (object file name) is contained in the alphanumeric AlphaVarId variable. When this instruction is executed, the instructions following it are not executed.


We do not recommend using this instruction when the CallType is not a PopupCall in an AJAX event processing block, if this instruction is systematically executed. This is because it loads a complete new page, as for a non-AJAX event.


Note: from a batch WADELIA program, CallType can only be *BACK or *PARENT.


When the CallType is not a PopupCall or *PARENT, the program is processed in the same window of the Web browser as the current window.

When the CallType is a PopupCall, a popup window is opened and the program is processed in this window.

When the PopupType is *POPUP, the window opened is a non-modal window compared to the calling window.

When the PopupType is *POPUP_MODAL, the window opened is a modal window compared to the calling window (as long as the window remains open the calling window is unavailable).


The popup window is opened with the attributes of the called program's first page if no PageName is specified, or with the attributes defined for the PageName page (i.e. an alphanumeric constant, name_of_a_page, or an alphanumeric variable, VarIdPage, containing the page's name) in the called program.

It is also possible to define this window's characteristics by specifying the values of the window's attributes (JavaScript), either directly in an alphanumerical constant (SeriesAttributesVal) or in the VarId alphanumerical variable. Attributes defined specifically for the call take precedence over those defined at the level of the called program's page, although the attribute defined at page level will continue to be used if it has not been specified at call level.


Click here for details of the main JavaScript attributes possible.


When the CallType is *PARENT, the program is processed in the window that triggered the opening of the current popup window. This type of call closes the current popup window, unless *STAY_ACTIVE has been indicated.


When the CallType is *BACK (with or without PopupCall), the TERMINATE instruction in the called program automatically runs the BACK block of the calling program.


When the CallType is *BACK_AJAX (with PopupCall), the TERMINATE instruction in the called program automatically runs the calling program's BACK block in AJAX mode.


In a PROCESS_PGM instruction, the parameters sent are only the input parameters, except if the CallType is *BACK (in this case, the parameters are Input/Output).


A PROCESS_PGM unloads the current program unless the CallType is either *BACK, *STAY_ACTIVE or a PopupCall.


For a PROCESS_PGM whose CallType is *PARENT or a PopupCall, the 'Request' level context of the calling program cannot be retrieved by the called program.



KEY_VAR = 'CustomerDetails'



PGM_VAR = 'CustomerDetails'




WHELP_FILE = 'help/CustomerDef.htm'

PROCESS_PGM HELP_PGM *POPUP('resizable=yes, status=yes, screenX=300, left=300, screenY=200, top=200, height=400, width=180') WHELP_FILE


* The following attributes have been defined for the CUST_DETAILS page:

* "resizable=yes, status=yes, scrollbars=yes, height=400, width=200"

* the display position is defined at the call level


   *POPUP('screenX=300, left=300, screenY=200, top=200' , 'CUST_DETAILS')


See also the list of 4GL instructions by topic

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