EXIT programs let users run their own processes (file copying, data backups, parallel management of validated objects, etc.) at key points in the correction validation process:
before validation in the environment (before receiving the objects),
before receiving an object in the environment,
after receiving an object in the environment, whether or not the reception was successful,
after deleting an object in the environment,
after validation in the environment (after receiving the objects).
The chronological order of the EXIT program calls in a correction validation procedure is:
- "After deletion" EXIT program calls every time an object is deleted. The object deletion takes place before the validation, as it conditions the list of objects that can be validated.
- "Before Validation" EXIT program call.
- Object reception loop. The following loop is run for each object (excluding conceptual entities and relationships):
- "Before Reception" EXIT program call, unless the object is a conceptual entity or a relationship.
Important: With conceptual entities and relationships, the "Before Reception" EXIT program call is made before the traditional object reception loop (phase 3); this is because the assignment of conceptual properties to these objects is liable to change before they are received. - Reception of the object.
- "After Reception" EXIT program call.
- "Before Reception" EXIT program call, unless the object is a conceptual entity or a relationship.
- "After deletion" EXIT program calls (corresponds to the deletions that could not be done at the beginning of the validation procedure, and were successful after receiving other objects).
- Automatic generation, if requested.
- "After Validation" EXIT program call.
Only objects that can be held for correction (via the interface's Hold action) have a call to the EXIT programs both before and after reception.
A data file, known as the parameter file, is generated before each call to an EXIT program.
This file contains data specific to the different EXIT program types (after deletion, before validation, before reception, after reception and after validation).
This information can be read by the EXIT program via the functions provided by the PgExTool dll.
Some of this data can be modified or even added by the EXIT program; this information will be taken into account by the correction validation once the EXIT program has been run. Among this data, a return code controls the continuation of the validation or reception of the object, according to circumstances.
There is another type of EXIT program, which is not related to correction validation but which is run during Set or Cancel "To be validated" actions on a correction from the correction manager.
Click below for further information about:
the Hold action,
the parameter file,
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