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The Hardis Group logo is displayed by default.

To change the default logo (document body display CSS rules), you need to provide your own "logo.css" implementation in the "logo" sub-directory you need to create at the Web application root.


Example of a possible logo.css file (with MonLogo.png in the "logo" sub-directory):


body {

    background-color:        #f0f0f0;

    background-image:      url(MonLogo.png);

    background-size:         auto 256px;

    background-repeat:     no-repeat;

    background-position:   right +10px bottom +10px;



Icon associated with the site's Web page

The Adelia product icon is displayed by default.

To change the icon, replace the favicon.ico file in the website root with the favicon.ico file containing the icon of your choice.

Note: if your browser has already loaded another favicon.ico file for your site (e.g. the Adelia default one), it may not retrieve your new icon immediately as the old one is stored in its cache. Emptying the browser cache or pressing Ctrl+F5 will make the new icon be used sooner but does not guarantee that it will be used immediately.


Web page title

The Web page title is "Adelia Desktop" by default.

To change this title, you need to change the index.jsp file in the website root by changing the "title" attribute of the "t: adeliaDesktop" tag.


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