Object names for parameter files are held in a string of up to 32 characters. The exact length depends on the object type:
Error message names are constructed as follows: PrefixNumber(AppArea)
- Prefix is the error message prefix (0 to 3 letters),
- Number is the error message number (4 digits filled with 0s to the left),
- AppArea is the name of the error message's application area (up to 15 characters) or *REPOSITORY,
Thus, the error message name consists of a string of up to 24 characters.
CDM graph names are constructed as follows: GraphName(AppArea)
- GraphName is the name of the graph (up to 15 characters),
- AppArea is the name of the graph's application area (up to 15 characters),
Thus, the CDM graph name consists of a string of up to 32 characters.
Macro-instruction names are held in a 30-character string.
Names of other types of object are held in a 15-character string.
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