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The aim of this tutorial is for you to learn about the main AdeliaDoc features by building an example documentation project based on two Visual Adelia programs.

Before you start

If you have not already done so, it is a good idea to install all the third-party tools used by AdeliaDoc.

These tools need to be installed in order for the documentation generator to operate correctly.

In this tutorial, we are going to work on a documentation project:

  • in English (project's standard language along with French),
  • which will be located in the c:\Test\AdeliaDocProject directory,
  • and will include two Visual Adelia batch programs ADEL_DOC1 (accompanied by the PROC1 procedure) and ADEL_DOC2, and an ADEL_CLASS1 class.

The two programs and the class have the sole aim of illustrating AdeliaDoc's features so will only contain the minimum code required to produce the documentation.

Below is the basic code for these three entities, which you can copy into your test environment.



NUM_BIN_4 I(8,7)
ALPHA (20) ALPHA1(10)
ALPHA (20) M1
ALPHA(10) M3




ALPHA(6) displayMode

PARAM displayMode



NUM_E(9,3) NUMTAB(5,7)



*attributes *SER_DESC('Employee identity')
ALPHA(230) FirstName;
ALPHA(200) LastName;
ALPHA(20) BithDate;
NUM_BIN_4 Children(20) *SER_DESC('Number of children');


All AdeliaDoc commands are passed from the Windows® command prompt ( Win-r and enter "cmd").

If the Adelia Studio installation directory is not in the PATH environment variable of your Windows® session, go to the Adelia Studio directory ("C:\Program Files (x86)\Adelia Studio" by default) before running the AdeliaDoc commands.

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Step 1: Initialize the documentation project

Initializing a project simply involves creating the project tree view on a disk, in which the following will be generated:
  • configuration files initialized with the default values,
  • the command files required to call Sphinx,
  • as well as the different related resources.
This action requires the following to be passed as parameters:
  • the directory where the project will be located (mandatory),
  • a language code (mandatory), which will be the documentation language - the list of supported languages is the list of language codes offered by Sphinx,
  • the documentation project title can also be passed as a parameter.
    This parameter is optional. We will see in the next step how to customize the documentation project by modifying the default title set by AdeliaDoc among other things.

An example documentation project initialization command:

c:\Test>adeliadoc -ACTION:init -lang:en -project:"c:\Test\AdeliaDocProject" -log:c:\temp\adeliadoc.log
  • if everything has gone well, the message "The operation completed successfully" is displayed in green on the screen:
    • The source markup files generated by AdeliaDoc from the 4GL program analysis will be produced in the "classes" and "programs" sub-directories of the "source" sub-directory.
    • the "build" sub-directory will contain the documentation built by Sphinx, based on the processing of source markup files.
  • if there is an error, the message "The operation failed" is displayed in red on the screen, with the explanatory error message.

Find out more

It is not included in this tutorial but if you would like to learn more about internationalization, see the Adelia documentation localization help topic.

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Step 2: Customize the project 

After initializing a project, it is usually best to modify the standard configuration in order to customize at least the content of the document's common constituent elements, and in particular, the main page (i.e. the home page for documentation in HTML format).

In this tutorial we suggest:

  • modifying the titles in the source markup file corresponding to the main page: "index.rst" file;
  • modifying the project's general information in the Sphinx configuration file: "" file.

To do that, you need to open these two files in an editor which supports UTF-8 encoding (Notepad++ for example), which is the encoding of all the files handled by AdeliaDoc. You need to make sure you save your changes in this encoding of course.

Modifying the "index.rst" file

  • The aim is to change the project title by replacing the "Welcome to Adelia API documentation!" title with "My first AdeliaDoc documentation Project" for example.
    • This is a text type file but uses reStructuredText markup syntax to define the formatting.
    • This, along with the fact that the new title is longer than the default one, is why the line of "==" characters just below the new title needs to be lengthened.
      This line is used to display a section title in the page.
  • Once the change has been made, save the file.
  • This file can be customized further - see the home page customization help page for further details.

Modifying the "" file

  • The aim is to change the project's general information, i.e. the project name and version:
    • For the project name, identify the "project" parameter and assign it the "My doc project" value instead of "Adelia API".
    • For the version, identify the "release" parameter and assign it the "2.0" value instead of "1.0".
  • Once the change has been made, save the file.
  • This file can of course be customized further - see the Sphinx configuration customization help page for more information.

Find out more

In certain conditions, you can customize an AdeliaDoc documentation project at any time and the customization options satisfy a range of requirements.

See the documentation project customization help topic to find out more.

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Step 3: Generate default documentation in HTML format

Remember that AdeliaDoc is used to generate technical documentation associated with Adelia programs based on:

  • the analysis of 4GL sources,
  • the use of program description information,
  • specific annotations in the form of comments which were added to the 4GL source by the developers.
Even if in practice this does not correspond to a standard use case, the fact remains that adding annotations to the source is not mandatory. AdeliaDoc is able to produce default documentation based only on the analysis of 4GL sources and the use of program description information. That is what we are going to illustrate in this step by generating documentation for the two ADEL_DOC1 and ADEL_DOC2 sources presented in the preamble.
The command used to generate the documentation requires the following to be passed as parameters: 
  • the directory where the project will be located (mandatory),
  • the Adelia environment containing the sources - in this case, it is called "TEST_ENV",
  • the desired format for the documentation (HTML in our case),
  • as an option, you can restrict the list of programs to be included in the documentation, bearing in mind that by default, if nothing is specified, the generated documentation will include the whole repository of the environment passed as a parameter. In this case, as we simply want to create documentation including two programs, we will use the optional ad hoc parameter called pgm.

An example documentation project generation command:

c:\Test>adeliadoc -ACTION:generate -project:"c:\Test\AdeliaDocProject" -env:TEST_ENV -format:HTML -pgm:ADEL_DOC1;ADEL_DOC2 -log:c:\temp\adeliadoc.log
  • If everything has gone well, the message "The operation completed successfully" is displayed in green on the screen:

    • You may receive warnings - ignore these for the purposes of this tutorial.

    • The main page of the generated documentation is "C:\Test\AdeliaDocProject\build\html\index.html"

    • The help sections relating to our two programs have been generated with default values, including the "PROC1" procedure of "ADEL_DOC1".

    • As one of the "ADEL_DOC1" program parameters references a class, the corresponding class is automatically generated by AdeliaDoc and a hypertext link provides direct access from the program's help page. You will notice that the *SER_DESC declarations positioned on the declaration and a class attribute have been included in the documentation.

    • Finally, you will also notice that the customizations performed in step 2 have been applied.

  • If there is an error, the "The operation failed" message is displayed in red on the screen, with the explanatory error message. See the log file for more details.

Find out more

The generation command includes other options which specifically target the scope of the programs and procedures to document, particularly via the filter parameter and the *@adeliadoc annotation.
That is why, to find out more, we suggest that you see the detailed explanations relating to the generation command.

If after this initial generation you start a new generation with exactly the same parameters, you will notice that the information displayed on the screen is more concise than before and, in particular, includes: "Initialization of incremental mode management data - Incremental mode - Date of last documentation generation: MM/DD/YYYY at HH:MM:SS".
This means that AdeliaDoc has detected that a previous generation has already been started for this project and that the conditions were in place to work in incremental mode: i.e. only generate the documentation sections for which the programs (and/or their dependencies) have been modified since the previous generation.
This way of working enables the generation process to be optimized when documentation has numerous programs.

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Step 4: Add annotations to 4GL sources

Now we have the basic documentation, we will add annotations to the 4GL sources to self-document the programs.
The available annotations cover most technical documentation requirements.
We will only look at some of these in this tutorial. 

To insert annotations into the programs, you just need to copy the annotation code provided below before the PARAM instruction for the corresponding programs/procedures. In practice, it is of course possible to structure things differently, as long as the annotations are all before the PARAM instruction.

Adding annotations to the ADEL_DOC1 program

The modifications involve:

  • for the program itself:
    • adding a program description annotation which includes the text formatting and a link to the ADEL_DOC2 program,
    • adding a LST list parameter (and two of its fields) and DT1 parameter description annotation,
    • adding an index annotation with two entries.
  • for the PROC1 procedure:
    •  adding a deprecation annotation. 



NUM_BIN_4 I(8,7)
ALPHA (20) ALPHA1(10)
ALPHA (20) M1
ALPHA(10) M3

*@description: My test program
*@| with **bold** and multilines
*@ text and an hyperlink to :ref:'ADEL_TESTDOC2'
*@param: LST, I, MY_LIST, My sample list...
*@field: M2, MY_FIELD2,second list field with an hyperlink to :ref:`ADEL_TESTDOC1.PROC1`.

*@field: M1, MY_FIELD1, first list field with friendly name

* Field M3 is not documented for illustration
*@index:MY_INDEX1, MY_INDEX2
*@param: DT1, a short way to describe a field




ALPHA(6) displayMode

*@deprecated:3.2.1, sorry, no more available...

PARAM displayMode

Adding annotations to the ADEL_DOC2 program

The modification involves adding two hierarchy index annotations - one for which the parent has already been created (see ADEL_DOC1 ) and one for which it has not.



NUM_E(9,3) NUMTAB(5,7)



Find out more

The *@adeliadoc annotation, linked to the filter generation parameter, can be very useful if there are a large number of programs to document. It can categorize the source types in order to generate different types of documentation.
To find out more about this subject, see *@adeliadoc annotation documentation.

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Step 5: Take into account added annotations

After saving the programs, restart the generation.

An example documentation project generation command:

c:\Test>adeliadoc -ACTION:generate -project:"c:\Test\AdeliaDocProject" -env:TEST_ENV -format:HTML -pgm:ADEL_DOC1;ADEL_DOC2 -log:c:\temp\adeliadoc.log
  • If everything has gone well, the message "The operation completed successfully" is displayed in green on the screen and you will see that the inserted annotations appear in the new version of the documentation:

    • the ADEL_DOC1 program descriptions and parameters, with the formatting (bold) and hypertext links,

    • the deprecation comment on the procedure,

    • the index page with our different hierarchical or simple entries (see the next step for advanced use of the index page) of the ADEL_DOC2 program.

  • If there is an error, the "The operation failed" message is displayed in red on the screen, with the explanatory error message. See the log file for more details.

Find out more

Note that the addition of annotations to a 4GL source (or a *SER_DESC declaration to a class) does not require the program or class to be regenerated (in the Adelia sense - i.e. compilation string) in order for AdeliaDoc to take it into account. Simply saving the 4GL source is enough to make the annotations available.

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Step 6: Advanced configuration

As standard, AdeliaDoc applies default generation rules which may not always fit your requirements.

That is why, on a project-by-project basis, you can modify AdeliaDoc's default behavior by overloading certain generation rules. That is the purpose of the "adeliadoc.ini" configuration file.

In this tutorial, we will focus on modifying index generation rules and excluding the *@author annotation.

For a full overview of advanced configuration options, see the adeliadoc.ini configuration file help topic.

Editing the "adeliadoc.ini" file

The configuration file is encoded in UTF-8 without BOM.

Therefore, an appropriate editor needs to be used (Notepad++ for example)

Modifying index generation rules

As standard, and in addition to indexes associated with *@index annotations added to 4GL sources, AdeliaDoc generates as many index entries as documented programs and procedures. Each index entry has the name of the corresponding entity.

This behavior is not always suited to the different types of documentation and particularly in our test project where we decided to explicitly and exhaustively generate index entries via the *@index annotation.

That is why we are going to modify the index_generation parameter by assigning the "annotation" value to tell AdeliaDoc not to generate the implicit index entries based on the section names: 

index_generation = annotation

As you can see in the documentation, the available configuration makes it possible to fairly specifically configure the behavior relating to index generation. 

Excluding *@author annotations

In certain situations, it may be beneficial to not include information relating to certain annotations in the documentation, even if these are explicitly present in a 4GL source. For example, developers' names in public documentation.

The exclude_annotations parameter is intended for this purpose. Simply assign the parameter the value as follows: 

exclude_annotations = *@author

Note on regenerating documentation

At this stage, we have simply modified the AdeliaDoc configuration file, without further modifications to 4GL sources since the last generation.

The incremental AdeliaDoc build process must therefore inhibit documentation regeneration as there was no source modification. However, due to the fact that these configuration modifications have a direct impact on the content of information included in the documentation (new version of the index page and deletion of developers' names in our example), AdeliaDoc will be able to detect these parameter changes in order to switch to forced generation mode.

More generally, AdeliaDoc disables incremental generation when all the context conditions are not met, based on a data cache associated with the documentation project.

An example documentation project generation command:

c:\Test>adeliadoc -ACTION:generate -project:"c:\Test\AdeliaDocProject" -env:TEST_ENV -format:HTML -pgm:ADEL_DOC1;ADEL_DOC2 -log:c:\temp\adeliadoc.log
  • If everything has gone well, the message "The operation completed successfully" is displayed in green on the screen:

    • You will see warning messages displayed on the screen indicating that AdeliaDoc has forced full generation mode.

    • In the regenerated documentation, the information relating to the section authors has disappeared.

    • The index page no longer contains the entries corresponding to the inserted annotations.

  • If there is an error, the "The operation failed" message is displayed in red on the screen, with the explanatory error message. See the log file for more details.

Find out more

With regard to incremental generation, note that you can at any time tell AdeliaDoc to force full regeneration of the documentation, avoiding incremental mode.

To do this, simply use the force parameter when running the generation action.

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Step 7: Generate the documentation in TEXT format

After regenerating the documentation in HTML format, you may wish to create your documentation in other supported formats, for example a purely text format.

In this case, and rather than restarting a complete generation process, it is easier and quicker to just restart a Sphinx build of the documentation in the new target format.

The make action is specifically suited to this situation: it involves only running documentation production via a call to Sphinx, based on the source markup files generated by AdeliaDoc.
This action requires the following to be passed as parameters:

  • the directory where the project is located (mandatory),
  • the desired format (mandatory).

An example documentation project generation command:

c:\Test>adeliadoc -ACTION:make -project:"c:\Test\AdeliaDocProject" -format:TEXT -log:c:\temp\adeliadoc.log
  • If everything has gone well, the message "The operation completed successfully" is displayed in green on the screen. The generated text files are in "C:\Test\AdeliaDocProject\build\text".

  • If there is an error, the "The operation failed" message is displayed in red on the screen, with the explanatory error message.

Find out more

  • If you have installed a TeX/LaTeX environment such as MikTex (see prerequisites), you can build the documentation in PDF format in the same way.

  • Sphinx may generate a lot of warnings in this output format. Some of these warnings are purely informative whereas others may be related to specific features or the installed version of the TeX/LaTeX environment.

  • The generated PDF file is stored in the "C:\Test\AdeliaDocProject\build\latex" directory.

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