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This function returns a file's Mime type. NB: it is not a function completely validating the content of file.

In Windows, apart from certain Mime types supported as standard, the type is derived from the file extension and the information contained in the registry. It is therefore possible for you to have an "application/octet-stream" return if the registry is not entered (if no installed application handles this file type => see if the "Content Type" value appears in the "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\<FILE_EXTENSION>" key).


  • Windows client

  • Windows server

  • Java client
  • Java server

  • Adelia Web Client

  • Adelia Cloud client

  • Event Adelia client




Name of the file to be read.



Variable which must contain the Mime type of the tested file.

NUM_BIN_4 MimeTypeLg

Length of the MimeType variable.

If the Mime type length is over MimeTypeLg, the function fails and returns a -2 error code and the required length in MimeTypeLg.



Return code for the operation:

0    Operation completed successfully. 

-1    An unexpected error occurred.

-2    Cannot read file.

-3    The MimeType variable length is too short.


ALPHA(250) FileName

ALPHA(250) MimeType

NUM_BIN_4  MimeTypeLg

NUM_BIN_2  ReturnCode


FileName = 'c:\temp\document.docx'

MimeTypeLg = 250

CALL_DLL 'VATOOLBX.DLL' 'VaToolBxGuessMimeTypeFile' FileName MimeType MimeTypeLg ReturnCode

* => The value of MimeType is "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document"

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