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To generate accesses, click the Access generation from the context-sensitive menu in one of the following dialog boxes:

Database manager


Database manager

Type of the database which is to be generated.

Possible values:

AS/400 native

Generation of the Physical Data Model in the form of AS/400 file.

AS/400 SQL

Generation of the Physical Data Model in the form of AS/400 SQL table.


Generation of the Physical Data Model in the form of Btrieve file for Windows.


Generation of the Physical Data Model in the form of DB2/Windows SQL table.


Generation of the Physical Data Model in the form of SQL Oracle table.

SQL Server

Generation of the Physical Data Model in the form of SQL Server table.


Note: the values presented in the list depend on the licence you own, and on the setup defined in the environment attributes.


Radio buttons


The file will be generated directly in the database.

This button only appears if the generation type is not AS/400.


Generic script

The file will be generated as a generic script file.

This button only appears if the generation type is not AS/400.


SQL script

The file will be generated as an SQL script file.

This button only appears if the generation type is DB2, Oracle or SQL Server.


Data entry


Name of the generated script file.

Data entry is only possible if the generation type is not AS/400 and a script radio button is selected.


Check boxes

Create new file


Creates a new script file.

Not checked

Adds the DB queries to the existing script file.

This check box is only active if the generation type is not AS/400 and a script radio button is selected.





List of accesses existing in the current application area with, for each one, the name and description of the generated logical file.

Extended-selection list.



Generation parameters

This button opens a dialog box which is used to display or modify the generation parameters of accesses.

This button is active only when the type of the generated database is set to "AS/400 native" or "Btrieve"; see section "Work with databases" above.



This button opens a dialog box which is used to display or modify the specific generation characteristics of an access.

This button is not active when no access is selected in the list.



This button starts the Physical Data Model generation for each access selected in the list.

It is not active when no access is selected in the list.



This button closes the dialog box.

Keyboard shortcut: Alt + F4.

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