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To open this page, click on the Indents tab in the Options of the Editor dialog box.


This tab is used to modify the characteristics of the indents shown in the text in documents handled by the 4GL Editor.



Data entry

Left margin

This option lets you set the number of spaces used to define the left margin.

You must set a value between 2 and 10.

Default setting: "3".


Indentation between blocks

This option lets you set the number of spaces used to define the indent generated when a block and its sub-blocks are nested (first nesting shell).

You must set a value between 0 and 10.

This is only valid for documents that contain blocks.

Default setting: "3".


Indentation of instructions

This option lets you set the number of spaces used to define the indentation of source lines generated by Adelia instructions such as IF, THEN, ELSE, DO_WHILE or REDO, or READ_LST and END_READ_LST loops.

You must set a value between 0 and 10.

Default setting: "3".


Click here to open the Adelia Language's list of 4GL instructions.



Radio buttons


Tabs will be formed using "real" tab characters.



Tabs will be formed using a series of spaces.

Default option.


Data entry

Number of spaces

Size of the tab character, expressed as a number of space, whether or not it is a real tab.

A real tab character will be handled as a single character, regardless of its size.

With real tabs, any change to the size will have an effect on the source: all the tab characters will be changed to the new size.

With strings of spaces, the source will not be altered.

You must set a value between 1 and 10.

Default setting: "3".




Resets all the fields with their default settings.



Validates the choices made and closes the dialog box.



Closes the dialog box without validating the choices made.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


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