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1B - 2C - 3D - 4E - 5G - 6H - 7J - 8L - 9M - 10N - 11O - 12P - 13R - 14S - 15T - 16U



Used to calculate the absolute value of a number.



Used to returns the memory address of a variable.



Used to convert an alphanumeric variable to a DATE type variable.



Used to convert an alphanumeric variable to a numeric variable.



Used to convert an alphanumeric variable to a TIME type variable.



Used to convert an alphanumeric variable to a TIMESTAMP type variable.



Used to check whether the character string is alphabetic only.



Used to check whether the character string is completely alphanumeric.



Used to calculate the arc cosine of a number expressed in radians.



Used to calculate the arc sine of a number expressed in radians.



Used to calculate the arc tangent of a number expressed in radians.



Used to calculate the arc tangent of two numbers expressed in radians.



Used to return the size of an Adelia array, whether the latter is declared statically of size 1 or 2.

Also gives the size of an array type class attribute of dynamic size (0 if the array is not defined).


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Used to return a TIMESTAMP variable on the basis of a date, time and a number of microseconds.


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Used to calculate a date by adding a number of days, months or years to a given date.



Used to calculate a six-position date by adding a number of days to a beginning date.



Used to calculate an eight-position date by adding a number of days to a beginning date.



Used to calculate a time by adding a number of hours, minutes or seconds to a given time.



Used to calculate a timestamp by adding a number of microseconds, seconds, hours, days, months or years to a given timestamp.



Used to calculate the value of regular monthly instalments for the depreciation of loan capital over a period.



Used to center a character string.



Used to convert a hexadecimal value into character form.



Searches for the graphic object whose type and (partially- or fully-qualified) static name are set as parameters.



Used to return a return code matching the last operation performed on a given list.



Used to check whether the character string contains at least one space.



Used to check the validity of the date specified as a parameter.



Used to check the validity of the date specified as a parameter.



Used to calculate the cosine of a number expressed in radians.


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Used to calculate the number of days between two specific dates with the DATE type format.



Used to calculate a date from its absolute number (compared with the year 1).



Used to convert a DATE type variable to an alphanumeric variable.



Used to extract the day from a given date.



Used to extract the month from a given date.



Used to convert a date (DATE type) into a numeric type in the YYYYMMDD format.



Used to extract the century and year (on four characters) from a given date.



Used to change the format of a six-position date.



Used to change the format of an eight-position date.



Used to calculate the interval between two six-position dates.



Used to calculate the interval between two eight-position dates.



Used to calculate the number representing the day of the week for a given date.



Used to calculate the number representing the day of the week for a six-position date.



Used to calculate the number representing the day of the week for an eight-position date.



Used to calculate the straight-line depreciation of an investment.



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Used to calculate the exponential value of a number.


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After an Adelia SQL read operation, this function retrieves the value of the indicator variable to find out whether or not, for a given column of a given entity, the value read is a NULL value.



Returns the graphic object variable whose static name is set as a parameter.


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Returns the result when the specified hashing algorithm is applied to the variable passed as a parameter.



Returns the result when the specified hashing algorithm is applied to the content of the file the name of which is passed as a parameter.



Used to convert a character into hexadecimal form.



Used to calculate the hyperbolic cosine of a number expressed in radians.



Used to calculate the hyperbolic sine of a number expressed in radians.



Used to calculate the hyperbolic tangent of a number expressed in radians.


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Converts a six-position date into Julian calendar format.



Converts an eight-position date into Julian calendar format.



Used to justify a character string by specifying a left margin, a right margin and the maximum number of blanks that can be inserted between each word.


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Used to adjust a character string to the left.



Used to calculate a number's logarithm (to base 10).



Used to calculate a number's natural logarithm.



Used to convert upper case characters into lower case characters.



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Used too calculate the modulo between a numerator and its divisor.



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Used to calculate the number of elements in a list.



Used to convert a numeric variable to an alphanumeric variable.



Used to convert a numeric field containing a date in the CCYYMMDD format into a DATE type variable.



Used to convert a numeric field containing a time in the HHMMSS format into a TIME type variable.



Used to calculate the day number for a date compared with the year 1.



Used to check whether a character string is entirely numeric.


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Retrieves the static name - or parts of the static name - of the graphic object described by a GRAPHIC_OBJECT variable.


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Used to raise a number to a power specified as a parameter.


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Used to calculate the rank of the current element in a list whose name is given as a parameter.



Used to adjust a character string to the right.


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Used to search for a character string inside another character string.



Used to calculate the sine of a number expressed in radians.



Used to insert or delete a certain number of spaces between each word of a character string.



Used to sanitize the text of a "string"-type parameter used to build a SQL query with the aim of preventing SQL injection.



Used to calculate the length of a character string.



Used to extract 'n' bytes from a character string starting from a defined beginning position.


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Used to calculate the tangent of a number expressed in radians.



Used to calculate the number of seconds between two given times.



Used to convert a TIME type variable to an alphanumeric variable.



Used to extract the hours (HH) information from a TIME variable.



Used to extract the minutes (MM) information from a TIME variable.



Used to convert a time with the TIME format into a numeric variable in the HHMMSS format.



Used to extract the seconds (SS) information from a TIME variable.



Used to extract the date information from a TIMESTAMP variable.



Used to extract the microseconds information from a TIMESTAMP variable.



Used to extract the time information from a TIMESTAMP variable.



Used to calculate the number of units between two specific timestamps.



Used to convert a TIMESTAMP type variable to an alphanumeric variable.



Used to transform a character string in accordance with two conversion strings (origin and target).


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Used to convert lower case characters into upper case characters.


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