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When the user has been successfully authenticated by the authentication module(s), the service must create a JWT and return it to the request issuer.

The token contains various information via attributes called claims.

Some are from the authentication module:

Name of claim


sub (subject)

Contains the name of the authenticated user.


The LDAP authentication module associates an attribute value of the authenticated user with a claim name [claimName].


The token also contains information defined by the JwtProviderConfig object described in the /WEB-INF/beans.xml configuration file.

<bean id="jwtProviderConfig" class="com.hardis.jwtprovider.JwtProviderConfig">
     <property name="jwtUserRoleClaim"      value="roles"/>
      <!-- iat | nbf | exp -->      
      <property name="jwtValidityTimeClaim"  value="iat"/>
      <!--property name="jwtTtl"                value="3600"/-->      
      <property name="jwtIssuer"             value="jwtProvider/"/>
      <property name="jwtPrefixId"           value="TokenId_"/>
      <property name="jwtAudienceKind"       value="RscServers "/>
      <property name="jwtAudience"           value=";"/>
      <property name="jwtLoginModuleName"    value="jwtLDAPLoginModule"/>

Name of claim

JwtProviderConfig (properties)

iat : issued at

exp : expiration time

nbf : not before

The jwtValidityTimeclaim property sets the predefined claim to be used to manage the token's validity time.

By default: "iat".

The jwtTtl property (in s; by default: 3600) calculates the value of exp or nbf claims based on the current time.

Thus, for the claim:

exp: the token expires from: current time + jwtTtl

nbf: the token is valid from: current time + jwtTtl

iss (issuer)

The jwtIssuer property is used to enter the token issuer.

By default: "jwtProvider/"

jti (JWT id)

Token identifier.

The jwtPrefixId property defines a prefix for the token identifier.

The full ID is created by concatenating this prefix with the current Unix time.

By default: "TokenId_"

aud (audience)

The jwtAudienceKind property defines the audience type to be checked. The possible values are:

  • None : there is no audience.
  • RscServers : resource servers
  • IPHost : a client accessing the resource server identical to the one that issued the token request.

For a 'RscServers'-type audience, the jwtAudience is used for entering (using the URL prefixes) the token recipient.


The jwtUserRoleclaim property defines the name of the claimto use to store the authenticated user roles.

By default: "roles".

To finish token creation, it is digitally signed using an encryption key.

The same key is used by the resource server to validate the token signature.

The JWT returned by the service is represented in the form of a string with 3 parts: "A.B.C".

The '.' is the character separating each of the parts and each part is encoded in base64.

Example of JWT:

eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9 .eyJzdWIiOiJTVmlnbmVsbG8iLCJpc3MiOiJhdX




sbyJ9. SDmrfjIsnv04_SqxoQDCsvc5yclPSLF2FXkTmjj6klSCzPOb5ADpKTavFzh902Usf








The first part (in green) is the token header. It contains the predefined claims typ and alg. These have the respective values 'JWT' and 'HS256' (encryption algorithm).

Hence the header JSON { "typ": "JWT", "alg": "RS256"} encoded in base64 gives part A of the token: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.

The second part (in blue) is the token body. It contains the predefined claims (sub, iss, iat or exp or nbf, jti, aud) and additional private claims (roles, etc.).

The third and final part (in orange) is the digital signature of the token calculated from the first and second parts (all encoded in base64) of the algorithm and the encryption key.

The VaToolBx function called VaToolBxAwsGetJWTClaim in a Visual Adelia Batch program (REST service) gets the value associated with a claim name of the JWT used to authenticate the user.

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