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In order to use the Profiler on Visual Adelia programs, a certain number of conditions must be met regarding the tool and programs:


Profiler configuration

The Profiler is configured via the Profiler.cfg file.

This editable file contains the following information:

#Adelia Studio Profiler: Configuration

#Thu Aug 28 14:27:12 CEST 2003




# ProfilerTypeProgramName, 0=Adelia Name 1 = Object Name



ProfilerDirectory is the key to the storage path for the program logs.

If this is not filled in or does not exist, logs will be created in the current execution directory.


ProfilerProgramName is the key for the Adelia name or IBM name for the first program to be profiled.

The possible values are as follows:


for all programs, from the first program,


so that profiling is not started.


A missing or uncompleted key is equivalent to *NONE.

The program to be profiled must be a VADELIA batch or interactive file.


ProfilerFile is the key for the log file name.

If this is not completed or does not exist, the name of the first program profiled will be specified here.


The Profiler configuration tree can be modified:

  • either in the Profiler tab in the execution parameters for the Visual/Web Runtime (Windows);
  • or in the Profiler tab in the execution parameters for the Java Runtime (Java).


Program configuration

A program can only be profiled if it has been configured for this purpose.

In order to profile a Visual Adelia program, you must compile it in "profiling" mode. This generation mode adds the data required for the Profiler to work to the program source.

To do so, when compiling the program, check the Profiling option in one of the two following dialog boxes:

  • program compilation characteristics,
  • environment attributes, 3GL Generation - General tab, Generation Options section.


Once you have carried out the necessary configuration when starting the Profiler, you can begin profiling a program.

You will then obtain a log file with the following format:

(Préfixe ou nom programme)-date-heure.prf


In order to view the data, launch the Profiler interface.

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