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This action amounts to creating a new version manager with the same source as the first; this means that the two version managers' correction environments will be associated correction environments.



  • The development environment is going to be converted. Therefore, if you do not want to lose the initial environment in the process:

    1. Save the environment, then restore it under another name.
    2. Refresh the environment list of the version manager in the production environment. The new environment will appear in the list.
    3. Use the new environment for the conversion.


The procedure described above can also be used to change the environment name (to distinguish more clearly between the different environment types).



Authorities required

The user must be the version manager's administrator (*ADM_VER_MAN authority).




In the " Type" tab of the Environment attributes dialog box in the production environment:

  1. Select the development environment in the list.
  2. Select the Convert to production option from the context-sensitive menu.


The conversion process comprises the following steps:

  1. The development environment is converted into a production environment.
  2. The initial version manager's administrator also becomes the new version manager's administrator (with the *ADM_VER_MAN authority).
  3. The administrator must use the new production environment to create only one correction environment to complete the new version manager.
  4. In order to update the list of the version managers' environments and reveal the associated correction environments, the version manager administrator must refresh these lists in each of the version managers' production environments.


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