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This stack represents the context changes encountered by the execution process up to the line in the 4GL source where execution was suspended.


The context changes are listed below:


Context added to the stack

Context removed from the stack

Program call.

End of a program.

Execution of a window.

- with modal windows: closure of the window.

- with non-modal windows: end of creation of the window.

Procedure call.

End of a procedure.

Breakpoint processing call.

End of process.


Selecting a context in the stack:

  • Positions the cursor to the line in the program that corresponds to the context,

If the program's debugging data file is not already opened, an automatic search is run; if the search fails, a file selection box is displayed.

  • Updates the variable monitoring according to the context.


Note: With AS/400 server parts, the stack does not identify the stack calling the SADELIA programs, just the detail of the current program (with its procedure or breakpoint process call stack).


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