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To rename the logical properties automatically, select the Recalculate property names option in the context-sensitive menu (or the equivalent button) in the Entities tab of the "Import conceptual properties" dialog box.


This dialog box lets you rename the logical properties.

It can be useful to recalculate property names after importing the LDM, if a standard naming program was used (where the field names depend, for example, on the file name), and it is possible to restore a situation where properties in different entities representing the same information share a single name.

This means that these properties can then be linked to a single, common conceptual property.


Two different renaming methods are supported:

  • Property name truncation.
    This method removes one or more characters from the start or end of the property's name.

  • Call to an external renaming program.
    This method calls a VADELIA batch program supplied by the user, which calculates the property's real name based on its current name, the entity's name and the name of the physical file.
    This program MUST support the following interface:

ALPHA(15) PropertyName

ALPHA(15) EntityName

ALPHA(10) EntityPhysName

ALPHA(15) NewPropName


PARAM PropertyName EntityName EntityPhysName NewPropName


Radio buttons

Truncate property names

When this option is selected, specify the number of characters to be stripped from the start and end of the property name.


Use renaming program

When this option is selected, use the related field to enter the name of the object file for the program to be used (the corresponding DLL "<object_file_name>.dll" must be copied to the ADELIA directory).




Displays a report showing the result of running the renaming program, without validating the database changes.


Important: We strongly recommend performing a simulation and checking that the results are as expected, before actually renaming the properties.


Recalculate property names

Runs the renaming program and displays the result in a report.



Closes the dialog box.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


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