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To test the APE's Web services, we recommend that you use a REST client.

This type of tool is used to send URL requests to consume a Web service and view the result. There are several tools such as Postman and Insomnia.


Installing and using Insomnia, which has the benefit of a response viewer in PDF format:

This application is available on Windows, Mac and Linux platforms at the following address:

Once the application is downloaded and installed, you need to create an HTTP request to call the mergeandtransform Web service.

Follow this guide to create the request:


In the create request box, select POST as sending method.

Once the request has been created, enter http://localhost:8080/ape/v1/mergeandtransform" in the URL entry field.



 The HTTP port corresponds to the listening port of the Spring Boot MergeAndTransform application: change the value of this port if it does not correspond to the one defined when the application was started.


Display the "Body" button contextual menu and select 'JSON' to indicate that the request body will be in JSON format. A text editor appears to enter the body of the message to send to the Web service.


Once the JSON message has been entered, click on the "Send" button to send the HTTP request (make sure that the Spring Boot MergeAndTransform application was started beforehand). If the request has been processed correctly, the message response appears in the right-hand section of the Insomnia application.


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