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To create a link between a logical server and a physical server, select the Create option from the context-sensitive menu in the Links tab in the Client configuration dialog box.


To modify the link between a logical server and a physical server, you must either:

  • Select the Modify option from the context-sensitive menu in the Links tab in the Client configuration dialog box.
    The cursor must be positioned over a logical server name.
  • Double-click a logical server name in the list.



Logical server

List of the logical servers already defined in the client machine configuration.

Select the logical server that you want to associate with a physical server.

If you select the keyword *ALL, all the logical servers that are not already set for other links will be associated with the physical server set in the next list.


Physical server

List of the physical servers and physical HTTP servers already defined in the client machine configuration.

Select the physical server that is to be associated with the logical server set in the preceding list.


DB used

This list is used to select the database that will be used by the server blocks defined by the source lines associated with the logical server.

The list shows the databases available on the server machine (if the server's Middleware daemon is running).

It also contains the keywords:


The database defined by default in the Create/Modify a DB server dialog box will be used.


No database will be used.
When this keyword is selected, the logical server authorizes the server to be used for processing jobs, but not for database accesses.


Example: A logical server could be exclusively dedicated to handling EXECUTE_CMD function calls that are to be executed on the server machine.



    • Where the physical server is an AS/400, this information will not be used. The system will work with the files (or SQL tables) in the initial library list (keyword INLLIBL) in the job description (JOBD) for the physical server's connection profile.
    • Where the physical server is a physical HTTP server, the field is unavailable.


Check boxes

Ignore commitment control


The SQL accesses to the database will be performed without a commitment control.


Note: The commitment control information is only relevant to Adelia Web programs defined in connection conservation mode.



Create / Modify

This button validates the information entered and closes the dialog box.



This button closes the dialog box without validating the information entered.

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