(I) (C) |
Section for use
SAVE_PGM_STATE VariableOrObjectSeries.
GraphicalObject |
→ |
Graphical object with a VALUE property which can be changed via its graphical interface |
VariableOrObjectSeries |
→ |
VariableOrObjectSeries, VariableOrObject | VariableOrObject |
VariableOrObject |
→ |
AdeliaVariable | AdeliaGraphicalObject |
AdeliaVariable |
→ |
Adelia variable handled in the program |
AdeliaGraphicalObject |
→ |
Adelia graphical object in a page |
This instruction saves several Adelia Web graphical objects and several Adelia variables defined in the Adelia Web program.
When a graphical object is passed as a parameter, this instruction saves all of its L4G properties used in the program.
This instruction updates the reserved word *RETURN_CODE:
- 0 (*NORMAL): Operation completed successfully.
- 1: Operation was not completed successfully (internal error).
See also the list of 4GL instructions by topic
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