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This utility lets you create debugging files (XML files) for OCX graphical objects. The XML files created by the utility can then be used by the Visual Adelia debugger to access the properties of OCX graphical objects. The presence of these XML files is not mandatory, but the OCX properties are not accessible in the debugger without them.



The XMLOCX program is found in the directory where Adelia is installed (e.g.: c:\adeliws).


There are two ways to use it:

Creating an XML file for a particular OCX object

Open a command line, and in the directory containing the XMLOCX program and the OCX's DLL, enter the command:



XMLOCX [OCX_Dll.dll]


Creating multiple XML files for a series of OCX objects

Open a command line, and in the directory containing the XMLOCX program and all the OCX DLLs, enter the command:



The utility will create the OCX_Dll.XML files.


In order for the XML files to be taken into consideration by the Visual Adelia debugger, they must be placed in a directory belonging to the CLASSPATH of the machine on which the debugger is running (the Adeliws\javarun directory is placed in the CLASSPATH by Adelia).


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