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Objects can be sent from an environment to a buffer in batch mode:

  • either using a sending that has been fully defined using the exchange manager interface,

  • or using a sending where at least the name of the destination buffer is specified, and where the objects to be sent are specified in the command line.


Command line syntax:

Exchange EnvironmentName S SendingName LogFile Options




Name of the environment where the sending is described.


Sending name. This sending must exist, and at least the destination buffer must be specified.


Path and name of the file containing the execution report for the sending; this parameter must be written between quotes if it contains spaces.


Optional parameters specifying the various ways the sending is run. The possible options are described in detail later.



    • The sending must exist in the environment, and at least the destination buffer must be specified. Apart from the list with the objects to be sent and the application areas that may be modified by the command line, all the other sending characteristics (e.g. the automatic generation of the LDM) remain unchanged.
    • The command line parameters can be entered in upper or lower case characters.


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