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This function adds a value to a sequence.

The sequence may have been created by the "createArrayList" function.

The sequence passed as a parameter is changed directly: the value is added to the end of the sequence.

N.B: Adding a value to a sequence created literally is not allowed as there is a risk of causing side effects during successive template executions:

<#assign emptySeq = []/>
<#assign noUse = hardisCore.addToSequence(emptySeq, 1) />
emptySeq size:${emptySeq?size} 
If this fragment of code is kept in a cache by FreeMarker, the emptySeq size will be 2 on the second execution. The place needs to be written:
<#assign emptySeq = hardisCore.createArrayList() />
<#assign noUse = hardisCore.addToSequence(emptySeq, 1) />
emptySeq size:${emptySeq?size}




Sequence to change


All types


Value to be added to the end of the sequence


For example

<#assign newSeq = hardisCore.createArrayList() />
<#assign noUse = hardisCore.addToSequence(emptySeq, true) />
<#assign noUse = hardisCore.addToSequence(emptySeq, .now?date) />
<#assign noUse = hardisCore.addToSequence(emptySeq, [1, 2, 3]) />
emptySeq size:${emptySeq?size}

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