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This section shows how an Adelia program generated in C language can be run from Windows.


Two types of access are available:

  • Access from Windows.

  • Access from an icon.


Access from Windows

To run an Adelia program from Windows, use the WADCALL.EXE program.


This program must be run with various parameters:

  • the first parameter is the name of the program to be run,

  • the following parameters are those of the program to be run. Any parameters containing spaces must be entered between quotes ("). Quotes are otherwise not required.


WADCALL namepgm1 p1 "parameter 2"

WADCALL namepgm2 " " 123 p3


If a character string-type parameter contains a quote, the quote must be preceded by a "\" character.



WADCALL namepgm3 "Begin \" end" p2


Access from an Icon

When the program is run from a Windows program icon, a system dialog box is displayed.

This dialog box is used to set the shortcut properties for running the WADCALL program.


Note: click the icon to display the on-line help attached to this Windows system dialog box.


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