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To open this page, click the Maintenance tab in the Options of the editor dialog box.


This tab lets you configure the display of maintenance details, such as the date that a source line was modified and the name of the last software engineer to modify a source line.


Note: The text and background colors used to show maintenance information can be modified in the Editor options' Presentation tab.

Do this by selecting "Information" in the color choice context list.


Software engineer

Check boxes

Software engineer


Software engineer details are shown in the margin:

    • in a tool tip, when the mouse pointer is in the margin, if the Tool tip radio button is selected in the Display area,
    • permanently, if the Permanent radio button is selected. In this case, you should remember to set a left margin wide enough to let you see the information (cf. Indents tab).

Not checked

No information is displayed.


Date modified

Check boxes

Date modified


Date of modification information is displayed in the margin:
    • in a tool tip, when the mouse pointer is in the margin, if the Tool tip radio button is selected in the Display area,
    • permanently, if the Permanent radio button is selected. In this case, you should remember to set a left margin wide enough to let you see the information (cf. Indents tab).

Not checked

No information is displayed.


Date display



Select the required date format in the list.



Select the separator to be used between the day, month and year date components.


Line numbers

Check boxes

Line numbers


The line number is displayed in the margin:

    • in a tool tip when the mouse pointer is in the margin if the Tool tip radio button is selected in the Display area.,
    • permanently, if the Permanent radio button is selected. In this case, you should remember to set a left margin wide enough to let you see the information (cf. Indents tab).

Not checked

No information is displayed.




Validates any changes and closes the dialog box.



Closes the dialog box without validating any changes.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.

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