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Client/Server configuration



To access the client machine's setup, open a SHELL session (MS/DOS session in Windows) and enter the following command:

"java com.hardis.adelia.configuration.CfgSetup /C [Directory]"



- java is the name of the virtual Java machine installed on the workstation;

- [Directory] is the optional full name of the directory containing the configuration file to be created or modified.

Important: This only concerns "VADELIA" and "SADELIA" programs that run on a Web server machine. This means that, paradoxically, this client setup is interpreted on a server machine!


The command "java com.hardis.adelia.configuration.CfgSetup /C [Directory]" can be used to create a configuration file called MWCLIENT.INI.

This need not necessarily be included in the PATH environment variable. However, it must be specified in the file, which must in turn be included in the machine's Classpath.


When the configurator is run, a system dialog box will appear if the specified directory does not contain the MWCLIENT.INI file, letting you either:

  • select a directory with a view to modifying an existing configuration file,
  • create a configuration file in a new directory.


This directory selection dialog box is not displayed in any other circumstances.


The configurator parameters for client machines are set out on five pages:


To modify any of these pages, just click the relevant tab.

Click the right mouse button on the list in the active tab to display a context-sensitive menu.

A main menu will remain active, whatever tab you are currently working on.



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