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This option lets you select the application area in which to open the source of an object that is attached to more than one application area.



To select the application area in which the object's source must be opened, select the Open source option from the context-sensitive menu in either of the following dialog boxes:

Important: The Open source dialog box is only displayed if the user has the necessary authorities to modify the object's source in several application areas, but not in the current application area.
Otherwise, the object source is opened directly.



Application areas

List of application areas in which the user has at least the *OPPM authority in read or write mode.

Single-selection list.




Opens the object's source in the selected application area's editor and closes the dialog box.

This button is only active when an application area has been selected from the list.



Closes the dialog box without opening the object's source.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc

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