Defines the line chart's data for each series, with:
the number of the series concerned in NumSeries (the first series will be number 1).
the Y coordinates of the points related to the series NumSeries, held in the array ArrYPoints.
the X coordinates of the points related to the series NumSeries, held in the array ArrXPoints (these values are only taken into account if the LABEL_TYPE property is set to "_LCH_NUMERICAL_TYPE" or if the LOGARITHMIC_AXIS property is set to "_LCH_LOG_X_AXIS" or "_LCH_LOG_X_AND_Y_AXES").
the labels associated with each point in the series NumSeries, held in the array ArrLabels (this parameter can be omitted if the ACTIVED_DATA_LABELS property is set to "*FALSE"; in this case, enter "*NONE" instead of this parameter).
the error values associated with each point in the series NumSeries, held in the array ArrErrors (these values are only taken into account if the Y_ERROR_BAR property is set to "_LCH_DEFINED_ERROR").
This method must be called once for each series in the line chart.
Syntax | |
CALL_METHOD NameLineChartObject DEFINE_DATA NumSeries ArrYPoints ArrXPoints ArrLabels ArrErrors |
Parameters |
NumSeries (I) |
NUM_BIN_4 type |
ArrYPoints (I) |
NUM_E(15,4) type array |
ArrXPoints (I) |
NUM_E(15,4) type array |
ArrLabels (I) |
ALPHA(250) type array |
ArrErrors (I) |
NUM_E(15,4) type array |
Conditions for use |
None |
The arrays ArrYPoints, ArrXPoints, ArrLabels and ArrErrors must contain at least as many elements as there are points.
This method can be used to set a color for each series in a LINE CHART object. The color change will be included the next time the DEFINE_DATA method is called.
Syntax | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CALL_METHOD NameLineChartObject DEFINE_DATA_COLORS SeriesNb ArrColors |
Parameters |
SeriesNb ( I) |
NUM_BIN_4 type Number of series in the line chart. |
ArrColors (I) |
NUM_BIN_4 type Color array or the special value _LCH_COLOR_RANDOM. If this parameter is specified as _LCH_COLOR_RANDOM, the object chooses colors for its constituent series itself.
The values _LCH_SERIES_COL_PASTELRED, _LCH_SERIES_COL_PASTELGREEN, _LCH_SERIES_COL_PASTELBLUE, _LCH_SERIES_COL_PASTELCYAN, _LCH_SERIES_COL_PASTELMAGENTA and _LCH_SERIES_COL_PASTELYELLOW can be superimposed between 1 and 15 times to produce a color gradient (with constant + 15 being the palest tone in the gradient). The _LCH_SERIES_COL_SHADE value can be superimposed on the constants _LCH_SERIES_COL_BLUE to _LCH_SERIES_COL_WHITE (see above) to add a black tint to the color. |
Conditions for use |
None |
The array ArrColors must contain at least as many elements as there are series.
Defines the line chart's general characteristics, with:
the number of series in the line chart in NbSeries.
the number of points in the line chart in NbPoints.
- the values in the array ArrLabels, corresponding to the labels associated with the points with the same position in each series (this parameter can be omitted if the LABEL_TYPE property is set to "_LCH_NUMERICAL_TYPE"; in this case, enter "*NONE" instead of this parameter).
- the values in the array ArrLegends, corresponding to the legends associated with each series.
Syntax | |
CALL_METHOD NameLineChartObject DEFINE_GRAPHIC NbSeries NbPoints ArrLabels ArrLegends |
Parameters |
NbSeries (I) |
NUM_BIN_4 type |
NbPoints (I) |
NUM_BIN_4 type |
ArrLabels (I) |
ALPHA(250) type array |
ArrLegends (I) |
ALPHA(250) type array |
Conditions for use |
None |
The arrays ArrLabels must contain at least as many elements as there are points.
The arrays ArrLegends must contain at least as many elements as there are series.
Prints the line chart.
Syntax | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CALL_METHOD NameLineChartObject PRINT_GRAPHIC PrinterName Mode |
Parameters |
PrinterName (I) |
ALPHA(250) type Name of the printer used to print the chart. If this parameter is not specified, the computer's default printer is used. |
Mode (I) |
NUM_BIN_4 type Print mode used to print the chart.
Les valeurs _CMB_COUL_PART_ROUGEPASTEL, _CMB_COUL_PART_VERTPASTEL, _CMB_COUL_PART_BLEUPASTEL, _CMB_COUL_PART_CYANPASTEL, _CMB_COUL_PART_MAGENTAPASTEL et _CMB_COUL_PART_JAUNEPASTEL peuvent être additionnées de 1 jusqu'à 15 pour fixer un dégradé de la couleur (constante + 15 étant le dégradé le plus clair). La valeur _CMB_COUL_PART_OMBRE doit être additionnée aux constantes _CMB_COUL_PART_BLEU jusqu'à _CMB_COUL_PART_BLANC (voir ci-dessus) pour leur ajouter un voile noir. |
Conditions for use |
None |
Note: This method is not implemented by the Cloud generator.