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To create, copy or modify a constant in the environment, select the relevant option in the context-sensitive menu for the constant list in the Repository - Constant dictionary dialog box.


Data entry


Name of the constant. This must begin with the underscore character "_".

It must be no longer than 20 characters



Numerical or alphanumerical value of the constant.

It must be no longer than 250 characters.

Before the 3GL source is generated, the constant name will be replaced by this value in the 4GL source (substitution). Therefore, with alphanumerical constants, the value must be entered between apostrophes.

Example: 'ABC'.



Comment associated with the constant.

It must be no longer than 250 characters.


Check boxes

Translatable constant


The constant can be translated: it is taken into account by the Translation manager. Only constants whose values are enclosed between apostrophes can be translated.

Not checked

The constant cannot be translated.



Add/Copy/Modify (validation)

The Add button (in creation mode) validates the information entered; the box will remain open, ready to be used for another creation.

The Copy button (in copy mode) creates the constant by copying it, then closes the dialog box.

The Modify button (in modification mode) validates any modifications made and closes the dialog box.



Closes the dialog box without validating the creation of the constant.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


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