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This page is used to manage JIRA form status changes when validating corrections made from the correction environment.

It only appears in the case of a correction environment.

Target statuses for manager actions

Data entered


Used to select the project to which state transitions are applied. This list displays all the projects selected in the general page.

If all the projects share the same life cycle, default transitions only can be defined. If one or several projects have a different life cycle, state transitions specific to each project can be defined.

Set "To be validated"

Target status we try to put JIRA requests in when the developer puts the correction "To be validated".

Cancel "To be validated"

Target status we try to put JIRA requests in when the developer cancels the "To be validated" status.


Target status when the acceptance tester validates the request in the production environment.

Use the default values

If this box is checked, the transitions used for the selected project will be the default transitions defined.

Note: The values available in the drop-down lists depend on the JIRA configuration.

General settings

Check boxes

Use the default parameters for JIRA actions

Box checked

No interaction is triggered when changing the status of a JIRA request (the action is carried out with a generated comment and the default values are assumed).

Box not checked

Displays the setup box for each action to carry out.

Ignore errors during actions on JIRA requests

Box checked

Errors occurring during actions on JIRA requests (status change) produce a warning in the validation report.

Box not checked

Errors occurring during actions on JIRA requests produce a warning which prevents the Adelia correction status from being changed.

Ignore errors during transfer between environments

Box checked

Errors occurring during the transfer of request numbers in the destination environment (e.g. if the destination environment does not have the same JIRA setup) produce a warning in the validation report.

Box not checked

Errors occurring during the transfer of request numbers in the destination environment put the validation in error status.

Merge data during validation to another version manager

Box checked

Associates all the JIRA forms associated with one of the corrections included in the validation.

Box not checked

The JIRA information is not transmitted to the validation correction.

Transfer operation principle:

  • If the destination environment does not use the same JIRA repository, the data is not copied (error or warning according to the configuration).

  • If the destination environment is a production environment, the requests associated with the correction are simply copied.

  • If the destination environment is a correction environment, the requests associated with all the corrections included in the validation are added to the destination correction.

  • The consistency of the request status is not verified when the associations are grouped in a correction environment. The user must configure the environment so that the "Validated" status of the request in the source environment corresponds to an "In progress" status in the destination environment.

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