Products Downloads

French version



To define a version, you must either:

  • Select the Create or Modify option from the context-sensitive menu for the version list in the Update management dialog box.

  • Double-click a version (for the Modify option).

Displayed data

Product name

Reminder of the name of the product concerned by the new version.


Data entry


Version number.

Length: 10 characters maximum.

Mandatory entry.


Update program

Full path leading to the program used to update the product for this version.




This button opens a Windows system dialog box that lets you select a file for the Update program field.


Create/Modify (validation)

Pressing the Create button (in creation mode) or Modify button (in modification mode) validates the dialog box.

The data entered are verified. If all are valid, the version definition is updated; if not, an error message is displayed.



Closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


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