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The fourth window in the Installation program creation wizard contains all the options that affect the installation program. You can use this window to customize the creation process.


Data entry

Destination directory

Path leading to the directory into which the installation program, (i.e. the compressed file(s), the executable file, the MSINSTAL.INI file (see Translating an installation program) and the "setup.inf" file) is to be copied.

Default: "D:\Product name".

Mandatory entry.


Default directory

Default installation directory.

By default, the directory will be proposed during the installation procedure, or is fixed in case of a Silent installation.


File with licence text

This field can be used to specify a text file that will be displayed by the installation program to inform the user of the conditions of use of the software being installed.


Check boxes

Multiple files


Size of the compressed files, in Kb.


Instead of creating a single compressed file (".CAB" extension), the program will create x files of the specified size, with the following extensions: ".CAB", ".C01", ".C02", etc.


This is very useful if the application is to be distributed on diskettes (in which case the specified size should be 1440 Kb).




In addition to the usual files, the program will create an executable file, the name of which must be specified. This file will contain everything needed for the installation procedure.


The other files created do not need to be copied.


Default: "Product name_version.EXE"


Silent installation


In this case, the installation program will not ask the user for any information. You must specify a default directory in the field below.


Integrate runtime


In this case, the installation program copies automatically the Adelia runtime files (located in the Adelia installation directory of the machine).

The box is grayed out and unchecked if the variant does not contain a client part.


The Adelia - middleware service and the "Visual Web Runtime" entry in the Start menu are not created. Environment variables are not updated.

With a new installation (or an update), configuration files of the Adelia runtime (files with the .ini extension) will not be erased. If the user wishes to install a new version for one of them, he must add it in the Other files tab in the installation manager.

A subdirectory "Redist" is created in the installation directory. It contains the programs that will install DLLs from the runtime 8.0 and 9.0 of Visual C++. The .inf files contain command parameters and versions of the compatible OS.

These programs can only be installed when connected with an administrator profile. In the case where the Adelia application installation is not carried out by an administrator profile, use the redistPrf.exe program before producing the installation.




This button opens a Windows system dialog box that lets you choose the directory or file for the relevant field.



This button returns you to the shortcut management window.



This button (Create when you first access this dialog box, Modify afterwards) saves the variant's characteristics and returns you to the Installation variants dialog box.


Produce (validation)

This button validates the information entered and creates the installation program.

The various fields of the dialog box are verified. If all are valid, the program creation process is run; if not, an error message is displayed.

When execution is completed, the Installation variants dialog box will reappear.



This button cancels the operation and ends the program.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


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