- get_line_height
- get_operation_mode
- initialize_filter_fields
- refresh_columns
- retrieve_column_properties
- retrieve_column_value
- retrieve_frozen_columns
- set_column_properties
- set_column_values
- set_frozen_columns
- set_operation_mode
- get_mouse_evt_keys
- set_mouse_evt_keys
- add_image2
- delete_image
- erase_sort_indicators
- export_list
- execute_auto_filters
- get_cell_coordinates
- get_columns
- set_focus
- list_bgo
- add_image
- add_image_from_url
- dd_data_available
- dd_cancel_data
- dd_execute_drag
- dd_read_data
- dd_write_data
- refresh_list
Directions assigned to method parameters:
(I) |
Input |
(O) |
Output |
(I/O) |
Input and Output |
Adds an image to the image list associated with the object.
Images have an implicit number corresponding to their position in the list, with the first image being number 1.
Note: To insert an image in the graphical list, you must specify the Image type for the column object's Adelia Type property and set the Value property to the number of the image that you want to display.
Syntax | |||||
CALL_METHOD ListObjectName ADD_IMAGE FileName ReturnCode |
Parameters |
CHAR(250) FileName |
Access path and name of the image file. (The extensions allowed for the image file are: bmp, cut, emf, eps, ico, gif, iff, jpg, jp2, mng, pbm, pcx, pgm, png, ppm, psp, tif, tga, wmf. With the Adelia Mobile runtime, the only formats allowed are: bmp, gif, jpg, png and ico.) |
BOOL ReturnCode |
Return code for the operation. Possible values:
Conditions for use |
None |
Note: This method is not implemented by the Java generator.
Adds an image to the end of the list of object images.
The images have an implicit number which corresponds to their position in the list. The first image has the number 1.
Note: To insert an image in the graphic list, the user must set the Image type for the Adelia Type property of the column object and assign the number of the image he/she wishes to display to the Value property.
Syntax | ||||||
CALL_METHOD ListObjectName ADD_IMAGE2 Image ReturnCode |
Parameters |
Image |
IMAGE type |
Image to add. The content of the variable is either an image in DIB (Device-Independent Bitmap) format or a file containing an image with one of the following extensions: bmp, cut, emf, eps, ico, gif, iff, jpg, jp2, mng, pbm, pcx, pgm, png, ppm, psp, tif, tga, wmf. |
ReturnCode |
BOOL type |
Operation return code.
Conditions for use |
None |
Note: This method is not implemented by the Mobile generator.
Adds an image to the end of the list of object images.
The images have an implicit number which corresponds to their position in the list. The first image has the number 1.
Note: To insert an image in the graphic list, the user must set the Image type for the Adelia Type property of the column object and assign the number of the image he/she wishes to display to the Value property.
Syntax | |
CALL_METHOD ListObjectName ADD_IMAGE_FROM_URL UrlAddress ReturnCode |
Parameters |
ALPHA (500) UrlAddress |
URL address specifying the Image file. Input parameter. The following image file extensions are supported: bmp, cut, emf, eps, ico, gif, iff, jpg, jp2, mng, pbm, pcx, pgm, png, ppm, psp, tif, tga, wmf. |
NUM_BIN_4 ReturnCode |
Return code for the operation. Output parameter. Possible values: -1: Error while adding image. > 0: Error while running http query. 0: Operation completed successfully. Warning: In Cloud generation, the value of the return code has no significance.
Conditions for use |
None |
Note: This method is not implemented in Java and Mobile generation.
Indicates whether any data items in a specified format are available among the data concerned by the current drag and drop operation. The format can be either one predefined in Windows or one defined by the developer.
Syntax | |||||||||
CALL_METHOD ListObjectName DD_DATA_AVAILABLE Format Availability ReturnCode |
Parameters |
ALPHA(50) Format (I) |
Name of the data format to be sought.
Any string that does not begin with "CF_" for a format defined by the developer. |
BOOL Availability (O) |
This value is set to *TRUE if any data in the requested format is available. |
NUM_BIN_4 ReturnCode (O) |
Return code for the operation.
Conditions for use |
This method can only be used with the DD_EnterDrag, DD_DragOver and DD_Drop events. |
This method is not implemented by the Java generator.
It is not available in Mobile generation.
Erases any data stored in the object that could have been used for a drag and drop operation.
This method concerns the data previously created by the DD_WRITE_DATA method.
Syntax | |||
CALL_METHOD ListObjectName DD_CANCEL_DATA ReturnCode |
Parameters |
NUM_BIN_4 ReturnCode (O) |
Return code for the operation.
Conditions for use |
None |
This method is not implemented by the Java generator.
It is not available in Mobile generation.
Initiates a drag and drop operation between a source object and a destination object using the data stored in the source object by the DD_WRITE_DATA method.
The relevant data can be either copied or moved to the destination object.
The set formed by this data is identified by a format name. The format can be either one predefined in Windows or one defined by the developer.
Note: Where a predefined format is used, only the first data item written by the DD_WRITE_DATA method is taken into consideration.
Syntax | |||||||||||
CALL_METHOD ListObjectName DD_EXECUTE_DRAG Format AllowedActions ActionDone ReturnCode |
Parameters |
ALPHA(50) Format (I) |
Data format name.
NUM_BIN_4 AllowedActions (I) |
Actions permitted in the destination object.
NUM_BIN_4 ActionDone (O) |
Action performed in the destination object.
NUM_BIN_4 ReturnCode (O) |
Return code for the operation.
Conditions for use |
This method must be used with the DD_BeginDrag event. |
This method is not implemented by the Java generator.
It is not available in Mobile generation.
Reads the data transferred as part of the current drag and drop operation. This data is in fact a copy of the data written in the source object by the DD_WRITE_DATA method.
This method must be used in a loop to run through all the data for a given Adelia type.
All the data for a given type is read when the number of data items read is less than the number of data items to be read.
- Calling this method with an Adelia array containing x elements has the same effect as calling the method x times with an Adelia variable.
- If the DD_WRITE_DATA method has been used to write x records each containing two ALPHA variables, the DD_READ_DATA method must be run twice, with the indexes (2x - 1) and 2x, in order to retrieve the strings in the nth record, or once with the index (2x-1) and an array capable of receiving two data items.
- No distinction is made between packed and extended numerical variables, however long they are and however many decimal places they have. The values of numerical and extended variables may be truncated when they are read. With strings, the read operation will fail if the Adelia variable is too small to contain the string being read.
Syntax | |||||||||||||||
CALL_METHOD ListObjectName DD_READ_DATA Format AdeliaVar Index DataNumber ReturnCode |
Parameters |
ALPHA(50) Format (I) |
Name of the data format to be sought. |
Possible types for the AdeliaVar parameter (I): ALPHA, DATE, TIME, NUM_E, NUM_P, NUM_BIN_2, NUM_BIN_4, BOOL, TIMESTAMP, IMAGE |
Variable or array filled with data. |
NUM_BIN_4 Index (I) |
Index of the data to be read for a given type. |
NUM_BIN_4 DataNumber (I/O) |
Number of data items to be added. With variables, this parameter must be 1, and with arrays, less than or equal to the number of elements in the array. Once the method has been called, it contains the number of data items written. |
NUM_BIN_4 ReturnCode (O) |
Return code for the operation.
Conditions for use |
This method can only be used with the DD_EnterDrag, DD_DragOver and DD_Drop events. |
- This method is not implemented by the Java generator.
- It is not available in Mobile generation.
Adds data (i.e. the contents of the Adelia variables) to the data to be transferred by a drag and drop operation. This data is stored in the object until the end of the drag and drop operation, and is then deleted automatically.
Calling this method with an array containing x elements has the same effect as calling the method x times with a variable containing the individual array elements.
No distinction is made between the extended and packed numerical data types.
Syntax | |||||||
CALL_METHOD ListObjectName DD_WRITE_DATA AdeliaVar DataNumber ReturnCode |
Parameters |
Possible types for the AdeliaVar parameter (I): ALPHA, DATE, TIME, NUM_E, NUM_P, NUM_BIN_2, NUM_BIN_4, BOOL, TIMESTAMP, IMAGE |
Variable or array containing the data. |
NUM_BIN_4 DataNumber (I/O) |
Number of data items to be added. With variables, this parameter must be 1, and with arrays, less than or equal to the number of elements in the array. Once the method has been called, it contains the number of data items written. |
NUM_BIN_4 ReturnCode (O) |
Return code for the operation.
Conditions for use |
None |
Note: This method is not implemented by the Java generator. It is not available in Mobile generation.
Deletes an image in the object's image list.
Syntax | |||||
CALL_METHOD ListObjectName DELETE_IMAGE ImageNum ReturnCode |
Parameters |
NUM_BIN_4 ImageNum |
Number of the image to delete (see ADD_IMAGE method). The constant _LST_ALL_IMAGES is used to delete all images from the list. |
BOOL ReturnCode |
Return code for the operation.
Conditions for use |
None |
Note: This method is not implemented by the Java generator.
Erases the sort indicators in the column headers in the list and sets to _COL_SORT_INDIC_ALLOWED the property SORT_INDICATOR in the columns that allow sort.
Syntax | |||||
Parameters |
BOOL ReturnCode |
Return code for the operation.
Conditions for use |
None |
Note: This method is not implemented by the Java generator. It is not available in Mobile generation.
This method exports the contents of the graphical list to either a delimited ASCII file (text or ".csv" file) or a formatted Excel file. If an Excel file is used, many of the object's properties are included in the export.
Only the list's visible columns are exported.
Syntax | |||||||
CALL_METHOD ListObjectName EXPORT_LIST FileName Fileformat WorksheetNameOrSeparator ReturnCode |
Parameters |
ALPHA(250) FileName (I) |
Full file path of the file to be created.
NUM_BIN_2 Fileformat (I) |
Format of the file to be created. |
ALPHA(250) WorksheetNameOrSeparator (I) |
If the export format (FileFormat) is set to _LST_EXP_EXCEL_FORMAT, this parameter contains the name of the Excel worksheet to which the data is exported.
If the format is set to _LST_EXP_CSV_FORMAT, the first character identifies the format separator. If this parameter is not specified, the ';' character is used as the separator. |
BOOL ReturnCode (O) |
Return code for the operation (*TRUE if the method run successfully). |
Conditions for use |
None. |
In Windows client generation, if there is a Middleware configuration using the logical server *DOC_SERVER associated with a Middleware Java daemon the method behaves in the same was as for cloud generation, as shown below.
However, if the *DOC_SERVER configuration is not active, the data types are not preserved and the Excel cells all have text format.
Note for Windows Client generation with *DOC_SERVER or Cloud Client configuration:
Depending on the file extension (.xls or .xlsx) entered in the method, the product file will be in XLS or XLSX format.
The numeric data types and dates are preserved when exporting. This entails a number of limitations:
- DATE and TIMESTAMP data prior to 1 January 1900 cannot be represented and appear as an error in Excel.
- Excel is limited to 15 significant digits for numeric types. Numeric data with greater precision in Adelia (NUM_BIN_8, high accuracy NUM_E) may be rounded off.
- It is not possible to hide the decimal point. This will be forced regardless of the edit code or edit word given. Edit code Z, in particular, will be displayed as edit code 4 in the Excel file, and display of edit code Y will be incorrect if the data type contains decimals.
- The positions of the decimal and thousands separator characters ("." and ",") must be consistent in an edit word. If they are, the separators will be displayed correctly in the generated Excel format; if not, they will be treated as standard characters in the generated format. In all cases, for numeric characters with decimals, the decimal point will be displayed.
- In an Adelia edit word, non-numeric characters to the left of the first figure displayed are not visible. In Excel format, they will be systematically.
Makes visible all the list's lines and executes the automatic filters defined on every column.
This method is useful for a list in which both manual and automatic filters have been defined. In that case, in the ACTION_FILTER event of columns defined with a manual filter, the user can execute all the automatic filters before executing his customized filter.
Important: Once the method is executed, the AfterAutoFilter event is triggered.
Syntax | |||||
Parameters |
BOOL ReturnCode |
Return code for the operation.
Conditions for use |
None. |
Note: This property is not implemented in Java generation nor in Mobile generation.
Note: This method is not implemented by the Java generator.
Retrieves the line and column numbers of the cell located in the specified position when the method is called. The position is represented by a pair of values (in pixels) relative to the top left corner of the list.
If the position matches a cell or a header, the CellFound Boolean variable is set to *TRUE.
If the position corresponds to a point located on the list's edge or background, the Boolean is set to *FALSE.
Syntax | |||||||||
CALL_METHOD ListObjectName GET_CELL_COORDINATES XAxis YAxis LineNum ColumnNum CellFound |
Parameters |
NUM_BIN_4 X-axis (I) |
X-axis value of the point relative to the top left corner of the list. |
NUM_BIN_4 Y-axis (I) |
Y-axis value of the point relative to the top left corner of the list. |
NUM_BIN_4 LineNum (O) |
Line number of the cell located in the specified position.
NUM_BIN_4 ColumnNum (O) |
Column number of the cell located in the specified position.
BOOL CellFound (O) |
Set to *TRUE if a cell or header is located at the specified position, else *FALSE. |
Conditions for use |
None |
Collects the names of columns from the graphical list in an array.
The array is sorted according to the order of the columns in the graphical list.
Syntax |
CALL_METHOD ListName GET_COLUMNS ColumnNameArray NumberElementsRead ReturnCode |
Parameters |
ColumnNameArray (O) |
ALPHA(128) |
Array receiving as an output the names of columns in the graphical list. |
Size (I) |
Size of the ColumnNameArray array. |
NumberElementsRead (O) |
Number of elements inserted into the array. |
ReturnCode (O) |
Return code for the operation.
The length of the ColumnNameArray must be at least the specified size.
If there are more columns than the specified size, the return code will have the value -1 but the array will be filled.
Example of use: The names of retrieved objects may be used by the predefined &GET_OBJECT function to manipulate the object properties.
Note: This method is not used by the Java generator.
Returns the height of the line entered as a parameter.
Syntax | |
CALL_METHOD ListObjectName GET_LINE_HEIGHT LineNo Height ReturnCode |
Parameters |
NUM_BIN_4 LineNo (I) |
Line number. |
NUM_BIN_4 Height (O) |
Receives the height of the LineNo line. |
BOOL ReturnCode (O) |
*TRUE: operation successful. *FALSE: failed (LineNo does not correspond to any line). |
Conditions for use | None |
Used to retrieve the keyboard keys which were defined when the previous GET_MOUSE_EVT_KEY method was called and which were in "pressed" state during the last 'MouseMove' event on the List object.
Syntax | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CALL_METHOD ListObjectName GET_MOUSE_EVT_KEYS ShiftKeyState CtrlKeyState AltKeyState AlphaNumArray OtherKeysArray OtherKeysArraySize ReturnCode |
Parameters | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ShiftKeyState (O) |
ShiftKeyState Returns *True if the 'Shift' key was in "pressed" state during the last mouse event on the List object. |
CtrlKeyState (O) |
Returns *True if the 'Ctrl' key was in "pressed" state during the last mouse event on the List object. |
AltKeyState (O) |
Returns *True if the 'Alt' key was in "pressed" state during the last mouse event on the List object. |
ALPHA(36) |
AlphaNumArray (O) |
Alphanumeric variable containing the alphanumeric A to Z keys and numeric keys 0 to 9 which were in "pressed" state during the last mouse event on the List object. |
NUM_BIN_2 array |
OtherKeysArray (O) |
Array containing the other keys which were in "pressed" state during the last mouse event on the List object. The values corresponding to the keys are indicated in the SET_MOUSE_EVT_KEYS method.
OtherKeysArraySize (I/O) |
As an input: OtherKeysArray array size. As an output: number of keys in pressed state retrieved in the OtherKeysArray array. |
ReturnCode (O) |
Return code of the operation.
Conditions for use | The SET_MOUSE_EVT_KEYS method must be called beforehand. |
The length of the OtherKeysArray array must be at least the specified size.
The value of ShiftKeyState and CtrKeyState parameters is set to *True when the left or right Shift key and left or right Ctrl key respectively are in "pressed" state.
It is possible to differentiate between left and right keys using the values _LST_VIRTUAL_KEY_SHIFT_L and _LST_VIRTUAL_KEY_SHIFT_R for the Shift key and _LST_VIRTUAL_KEY_CTRL_L and _LST_VIRTUAL_KEY_CTRL_R for the Ctrl key in the OtherKeysTab parameter.
If the Alt Gr key is in "pressed" state, the value of AltKeyState and CtrlKeyState parameters is set to *True.
This method is not implemented by the Java generator.
It is not available in Mobile generation.
Returns the object's current mode (selection or input) and status.
Syntax | |||||
CALL_METHOD ListObjectName GET_OPERATION_MODE Mode ModeStatus ReturnCode |
Parameters |
NUM_BIN_2 Mode |
Object's resulting mode.
BOOL ModeStatus |
Object mode's resulting status. This is set to *TRUE if the mode is locked (i.e. if it cannot be changed via the user interface); otherwise it is set to *FALSE. |
NUM_BIN_2 ReturnCode |
Return code for the operation.
Conditions for use |
None. |
Sets the filter field to "*" and resets the INTERNAL_FILTER_VALUE property for all the columns in the list.
Syntax | |||||
Parameters |
NUM_BIN_4 ReturnCode (O) |
Return code for the operation.
Conditions for use | None |
Authorizes the object to perform the necessary internal processes when updating a property or calling a LIST object or COLUMN object method.
The user can prevent the internal process from being run as many times as there are properties to update by placing the instructions between two calls to this method. The process will then only be run once.
The COLUMN object properties concerned are:
The LIST object properties concerned are:
The COLUMN object methods concerned are:
Note: moving a column via the interface also updates the columns.
The LIST object method concerned is:
Syntax | |
CALL_METHOD ListObjectName REFRESH_COLUMNS FlagAutoRefresh |
Parameters |
BOOL FlagAutoRefresh |
If the FlagAutoRefresh parameter is set to *TRUE, the columns update is performed immediately and at the next properties modifications the columns will be updated systematically (default behavior). Otherwise, updating is prevented until the next time the function is called with FlagAutoRefresh set to *TRUE. |
Conditions for use |
None. |
Note: This method is not implemented by the Java and Mobile generators.
Important: It is important to reset the refresh method to *TRUE to avoid errors.
Allows the object to be redrawn. The user can freeze the object display between two calls to this method.
Syntax | |
CALL_METHOD ListObjectName REFRESH_LIST FlagAutoRefresh |
Parameter |
BOOL FlagAutoRefresh |
If the FlagAutoRefresh parameter is set to *TRUE, the graphics update is performed as and when necessary. Otherwise, updating is prevented until the next time the function is called with FlagAutoRefresh set to *TRUE. |
Conditions for use |
None |
Note: This method is not implemented by the Java generator.
* Optimization using the REFRESH_LIST method
* At execution time, if this method is not set to False before loading the list,
* the latter is refreshed each time an item is inserted.
Refresh = *FALSE
* Loading the list
Refresh = *TRUE
Retrieves the properties for the COLUMN objects that make up the list, using the values of the properties of the line whose number is specified in LineNbr.
The following properties of the COLUMN object are updated: ALIGNMENT, BACKGROUND_COLOR, TEXT_COLOR, REVERSE_IMAGE, READ_ONLY, FONT, VALUE.
Syntax | |
Parameters |
NUM_BIN_4 LineNbr |
Line number. If LineNbr is set to "0", it takes the value of the CURRENT_LINE_NUMBER property (rank of the last active line). |
BOOL ReturnCode |
Return code for the operation. The return code is set to "*TRUE" if the operation completed successfully. It is set to "*FALSE" otherwise (if LineNbr corresponds to no line). |
Conditions for use |
None |
Retrieves the VALUE property for the COLUMN objects that make up the list, using the values of the line whose number is specified in LineNumber.
Syntax | |
CALL_METHOD ListObjectName RETRIEVE_COLUMN_VALUE LineNumber ReturnCode |
Parameters |
LineNumber |
NUM_BIN_4 type. If LineNumber is equal to "0", it will take the value of the CURRENT_LINE_NUMBER property (number of the last active line). |
ReturnCode |
BOOL type. The parameter ReturnCode is equal to "*TRUE" if the operation was completed successfully; otherwise it is equal to "*FALSE" (when the parameter LineNumber does not correspond to any lines). |
Conditions for use |
None |
Retrieves the number of COLUMN objects that were frozen when calling the SET_FROZEN_COLUMNS method.
Syntax | |||||||
Parameters |
NUM_BIN_4 NbrColumns |
Number of frozen columns. This number includes non-visible columns. |
NUM_BIN_2 ReturnCode |
Return code for the operation.
Conditions for use |
None |
Note: This method is not implemented by the Java generator.
Sets the modifiable properties of the cells that make up the line whose number is specified in LineNbr.
Syntax | |
Parameters |
NUM_BIN_4 LineNbr |
Line number. If LineNbr is set to "0", it takes the value of the CURRENT_LINE_NUMBER property (rank of the last active line). |
BOOL ReturnCode |
Return code for the operation. The return code is set to "*TRUE" if the operation completed successfully. It is set to "*FALSE" otherwise (if LineNbr corresponds to no line). |
Conditions for use |
None |
Sets the values in the cells that make up the line which number is specified in LineNbr using the VALUE property of the COLUMN objects that make up the list. The line in the list will also be set to "Modified" status.
Syntax | |
CALL_METHOD ListObjectName SET_COLUMN_VALUES LineNbr ReturnCode |
Parameters |
NUM_BIN_4 LineNbr |
Line number. If LineNbr is set to "0", it takes the value of the CURRENT_LINE_NUMBER property (rank of the last active line). |
BOOL ReturnCode |
Return code for the operation. The return code is set to "*TRUE" if the operation completed successfully. It is set to "*FALSE" otherwise (if LineNbr corresponds to no line). |
Conditions for use |
None |
Places the focus on the object.
Syntax | |
Conditions for use |
None |
Freezes one or more COLUMN objects. A frozen column will not react to the actions made on the horizontal scroll bar. Columns are frozen consecutively from the left side of the object.
Syntax | |||||||||
CALL_METHOD ListObjectName SET_FROZEN_COLUMNS NbrColumns ReturnCode |
Parameters |
NUM_BIN_4 NbrColumns |
Number of consecutive columns to be frozen (columns are ordered from left to right). This number must include non-visible columns. |
NUM_BIN_2 ReturnCode |
Return code for the operation.
Conditions for use |
None. To unfreeze columns, set the NbrColumns parameter value to "0" when calling this method. |
Note: This method is not implemented by the Java generator.
Used to define the keyboard keys for which it is desired to retrieve the state (pressed/released) at the time of the 'MouseMove' event on the list.
This method must be used before calling the GET_MOUSE_EVT_KEYS method of the same object.
Syntax | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CALL_METHOD ListObjectName SET_MOUSE_EVT_KEYS TestShiftKey TestCtrlKey TestAltKey AlphaNumArray OtherKeysArray OtherKeysArraySize ReturnCode |
Parameters | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TestShiftKey (I) |
Indicates if the 'Shift' key state needs to be tested when calling the GET_MOUSE_EVT_KEYS method. |
TestCtrlKey (I) |
Indicates if the 'Ctrl' key state needs to be tested when calling the GET_MOUSE_EVT_KEYS method. |
TestAltKey (I) |
Indicates if the 'Alt' key state needs to be tested when calling the GET_MOUSE_EVT_KEYS method. |
ALPHA(36) |
AlphaNum (I) |
String containing alphanumeric characters A to Z and numeric characters 0 to 9 representing the keyboard keys that must be tested when calling the GET_MOUSE_EVT_KEYS method. |
NUM_BIN_2 array |
OtherKeysArray (I) |
Array containing the values representing the other keyboard keys that must be tested when calling the GET_MOUSE_EVT_KEYS method. The values corresponding to the keys are indicated below.
OtherKeysArraySize (I) |
Number of elements inserted into the OtherKeysArray array. |
ReturnCode (O) |
Return code of the operation.
Conditions for use | None |
The length of the OtherKeysArray array must be at least the specified size.
If the AlphaNumArray array is empty, the A->Z and 0->9 keys will not be tested the next time the GET_MOUSE_EVT_KEYS method is called.
Similarly, if the OtherKeysArraySize parameter is equal to 0 the "other" keys will not be tested the next time the GET_MOUSE_EVT_KEYS method is called.
This method is not implemented by the Java generator.
It is not available in Mobile generation.
Used to toggle the object between selection mode (to select lines or cells) and input mode. You can lock the specified mode, meaning that the user is no longer able to switch between modes from the user interface.
Syntax | |||||||||||
CALL_METHOD ListObjectName SET_OPERATION_MODE Mode ModeStatus ReturnCode |
Parameters |
NUM_BIN_2 Mode |
Defines the object's new mode. If the new mode is the same as the old one, only the ModeStatus parameter is taken into consideration.
BOOL ModeStatus |
Defines whether or not the mode is locked. If set to *TRUE, the mode is fixed (although only with respect to the user interface); otherwise the mode is user-modifiable. |
NUM_BIN_2 ReturnCode |
Return code for the operation.
Conditions for use |
The object is switched to the specified mode, provided the list is not empty. If the list is empty, the object is automatically set to unlocked line or cell selection mode. |