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Adelia is built around an integrated repository. More than a simple object library, the repository represents a genuine technical database for the information system.

All the objects handled during the various phases in the application's life cycle (data, management rules, entities, relationships, programs, etc.), and the links between them, are assigned unique identification codes and stored in the repository.


This approach, centring on the notion of a company repository, combines with Adelia's object-oriented organisation to offer a wide range of benefits:

  • Objects defined for one application area can be used in other areas, considerably boosting the productivity of software engineers and developers.

  • No redundant descriptions; these are avoided by checking that each description is unique.

  • Easier maintenance; any modifications are automatically applied to all the company's application areas.

Where local development networks are used, the company's repository must be located on a PC server.

Subrepositories for individual application areas can be located on development workstations. This feature lets development staff design and develop applications away from the central site.

Naturally, Adelia consolidates the subrepositories and the company's repository.



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