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This dialog box displays the active sessions of the selected server and allows you to stop them if required.


Note: The dialog box title bar displays the server, as well as the daemon port.


Displayed data


Number of the server process.



Date on which the server process was created.



Connection profile associated with the server session.


Client PID

Client process number.


Client ID

ID associated with the client process.

This field is entered only if it is specified by the client application with the VaToolBxSetClientId function.


Host name

Host name or IP Address of the client machine which is connected to the server process.



Indicates whether the server process supports a timeout.




This buttons returns to the dialog box used to connect the session killer to a server.



This button closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.



Saves the entered password on the server, to protect access to mwkill.


Context-sensitive menu


Refreshes the list of the server's active sessions.



Stops the selected sessions.


Note: The active session list is automatically refreshed whenever a session is deleted.


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