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The APE provides example templates. They are contained in the ZIP file called available in the %ADELIWS%\distrib\AdeliaPrintEngine directory.

In Adelia Studio V14.4.0 and later versions it is strongly recommended to use the multi-platform code editor Visual Studio Code together with an extension that is supplied "APE Template Editing" and which automatically centralizes all the programming environment functions: code editor, APE instance and REST client. The examples database is compatible with the extension. To test them:

  1. Unzip the file to a given directory, e.g.: "d:/foo",

  2. Start Visual Studio Code and use the "Open folder..." command in the "File" menu to select the d:/foo/Training/Hardis_XSL-FO directory.

To test these examples if you are not using the Visual Studio Code extension (not recommended):

  1. Unzip the file to a given directory, e.g.: "d:/foo",

  2. Change the configuration file d:/foo/conf/ in the template loader section by replacing "c:/myApesamplesDirectory/Training" with your "d:/foo/Training" directory,

  3. Start the MergeTransformMicroService application, indicating the directory containing this file :
    ape.bat -Dcom.hardis.adelia.mergedocengine.freemarker.conf="d:/foo/conf"

  4. Start Insomnia. The templates are delivered with test datasets that can be used via Insomnia. An Insomnia format workspace export is available: "Training\Hardis_XSL-FO_Insomnia_Export.json". To import it into Insomnia, display the "Insomnia" default workspace context-sensitive menu and click on "Import/Export". Click on "Import Data, From File", then select the JSON export file.

  5. Select a template example in the tree view on the left and click on "Send" in the top bar.

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