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This dialog box lets you specify the parameters required in order to create a JNLP file.



To configure the Java Web Start® component, click the Configure button in the Java installation program configuration window in the Installation program creation wizard.


Data entry


Name of the company that produced the application.

Mandatory field.



Application name.

Mandatory field.


Entry point

Main program in the application, whose class will be executed by Java Web Startâ.

Mandatory field.

Click the related arrow to select a value.

Note: The displayed list is pre-populated with the programs selected in the Programs in the installation dialog box's Entry points tab.


HTML page

URL or file designating the application's main HTML page.



URL or file designating the GIF or JPEG image to be used by Java Web Startâ when it presents the application.


Execution parameters

Parameters of the specified entry point program.

Parameters must be enclosed between quotation marks ( ² ).

Example: ²PARAM1² ²PARAM2²



Short sentence describing the application.


''One-line'' description

This description is used where a reference to the application is included in a list or table.


''Short'' description

This description is used where a reference to the application is included in a paragraph.


''Tooltip'' description

This description of the application can be used as a tooltip.


Check boxes

Allow offline mode


The application can run when the client machine is disconnected from the network.


All permissions


The application has unrestricted access to the client machine and local area network; in this case, all JAR files must be signed (including the adeljrt.jnlp component's JAR files). The user must accept the certificate the first time a file is run.




Validates and saves the information entered in the dialog box.

The various details in the box are checked.

If all are valid, the Java Web Startâ component's definition is updated; if not, an error message is displayed.



Closes the dialog box without validating any choices made.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


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