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The dialog box used to create a program is automatically displayed from the Question/Answer programming interface dialog box when a %CREATE_PGM Q/A instruction is found in the program template's source.


This dialog box is used to enter the general characteristics of the program to be created.


Data entry


Name of the program to create.

This name must be a valid program name (as defined by IBM).

If the program name already exists in the environment, a message is displayed requesting the user to confirm the choice of this program. If the choice is confirmed, no program is created and the other data entered is ignored. If this choice is not confirmed, another name must be specified.

Length: 15 characters maximum.

Mandatory entry.



Description clearly identifying the program.

Length: 50 characters maximum.

Mandatory entry.


Source type

Type of the program's source (e.g.: Adelia, RPG, CLP, etc.).

Length: 10 characters maximum.

Default: "ADELIA".

Mandatory entry.


Layout code

Program layout code.

The layout code must be unique among the layout codes of programs in the environment.

Length: 6 characters maximum.

Mandatory entry if the source type is "ADELIA".


IBM program name

This name must be a valid IBM program name (as defined by IBM) unique in the environment.

Length: 10 characters maximum.

If this field is left blank, and if the source type is "ADELIA", the layout code is retained here as IBM program name.

If the source type is not "ADELIA", the first 10 characters of the program name are retained here as IBM program name.


Radio buttons


The visibility of a program can be either public or private.

Only the owner of the program, or a software engineer with modification authorities, can change the visibility.

A public program cannot be changed into a private program if it is attached to more than one application area.

In creation mode, the visibility is initialized as private.


Program type

Click the radio button corresponding to the type of program to be created: Interactive or Batch.



Create (validation)

This button validates the dialog box: the various fields of the dialog box are verified. If all are valid, the program is created in the database before the box is closed; otherwise, an error message is displayed.



This button opens a dialog box which is used to select an existing program rather than create a new one.

Once a program has been selected, both dialog boxes are closed.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


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