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A Menu object is used to represent a menu bar or a context-sensitive menu. A menu is a set of Menu Item objects grouped together in a tree.


Items can be classed in two groups:

  •  top-level (or level 1) items: these items do not have a parent item (they are directly visible in the menu with no need to expand a submenu),
  •  non top-level (or level n) items: these items have a parent item (they are revealed by expanding a submenu).


Items can have the following three states:

  •  Normal (or normal state): the mouse pointer is not located inside the rectangle that defines the item's position,
  •  Mouseover (or mouseover state): the mouse pointer is located inside the rectangle that defines the item's position. An item in this state is potentially clickable by the user,
  •  Selected: in the context of a tab bar, this state distinguishes one item from the others. An item can be selected via the interface (when the user clicks on it) or by programming.


It is possible to define graphical properties associated with these three states.

The Menu object and each of its constituent items have a number of graphical characteristics that can be modified to customize how they are displayed.


To use a menu as a context-sensitive menu with an Adelia Web control, the menu must be linked to the control (in the control creation dialog box or in the property inspector in Dreamweaver®). It is possible to link multiple Adelia controls with the same Menu object.


An <adelia:menu> tag is created when you insert a Menu object. MENU ITEM objects are created in Dreamweaver®, using the Menu object property inspector.


The presence of an <adelia:menu> tag determines a link with the Adelia Web program to which the current HTML page belongs.

The attributes of the <adelia:menu> tag and certain properties of menu items together define the characteristics of the Adelia variable associated with the object and determine the object's behavior.


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