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New Module: Adelia Cloud Studio

This new module allows to generate Web RIA (Rich Internet Application) applications from Adelia Visual Studio applications, by the JAVA and HTML5 standards.

The main advantages of Adelia Cloud Studio are the following:

  • the module reuses Adelia Visual Studio existing features,

  • the production costs are reduced,

  • the facilities management and implementation costs (Citrix, TSE) are avoided,

  • the module offers the ability to develop Web applications without any additional skills required,

  • the module gives the possibility to access different technologies from a single source,

  • the applications are made available rapidly in a private Cloud (intranet, partner extranet, customer extranet),

  • the applications can be accessed on all the devices supporting HTML5.

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JIRA Bug Manager

It is now possible to integrate the JIRA bug manager directly with the Adelia Studio environment.

For example, the JIRA forms can be managed directly in the Adelia Studio Editor (time spent, comments, etc.).

It is also possible to associate the life cycle of a JIRA form with the one of a correction in the Adelia Correction manager.


Accessing JIRA from the 4GL Editor repository


Creating a JIRA bug form


The Bug manager integration adds functionality to the session manager, correction manager and Adelia editor, as well as additional parameters at the repository level, the logical application area level and the software engineer parameters level.

To activate the JIRA integration, you should save the "adeljira.dll" plug-in in the "Bug manager" option of the Miscellaneous tab (environment level).

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Adelia iSeries Improvements

  • The capacity of numeric variables has been increased. The variable can now be defined with the precision up to 63 digits (integer and/or decimal parts). This is valid for DB2/400 database and variables defined in programs.

  • Arrays can now contain up to 32767 elements (instead of 9999).

  • Instructions on XML documents are taken into account.

  • Improvements to the Adelia SQL instructions:

    • null values are taken into account,
    • the *DISTINCT, *OPT and *LINES clauses are taken into account for the CURSOR and MANAGE_SFL_SQL instructions. The *DISTINCT clause is also taken into account for the LOAD_SQL_LST instruction.

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Visual Adelia Improvements

  • Possibility to generate help for Visual Adelia programs in HTML and .chm formats.

  • The PUSH BUTTON, IMAGE, LIST, TREE VIEW objects: addition of the LOAD_IMAGE method which allows to add an image from a variable of IMAGE type.

  • Adelia reports: possibility to specify the encoding (ANSI, ASCII, Unicode) of the produced text files.

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Improvements to the Visual Adelia / Adelia Web Language

  • The capacity of numeric variables has been increased. The variable can now be defined with the precision up to 63 digits (integer and/or decimal parts). This is valid for variables defined in programs and the destination DBMS depending on their own capacity.

  • Arrays can now contain up to 32767 elements (instead of 9999).

  • In case of dynamic cursor, it is possible to use the OPEN_SQL_C instruction with the WITH parameter allowing to specify host variables with will substitute "?" contained in the request variable.

  • The VaTooLBxOpenFile function: possibility to specify the encoding (ANSI, ASCII, Unicode) of the produced or read files.

  • Addition of the VaToolBxFileSize64 function which allows to retrieve the size of files larger than 2Gb.

  • The instructions on XML documents are now taken into account in AS/400 server parts.

  • The XML_CREATE_NODE instruction: addition of the *NS and *DECL_NS parameters which allow to better manage the creation of nodes defined with a namespace.

  • The XML_OPEN instruction: addition of the *STANDALONE and *CONV_UTF8 parameters.

  • Possibility to put the PREPARE_MSG, ERROR, ANOMALY, WARNING, and INIT_MSG instructions in procedures (allows to decompose the verification paragraph into sub-procedures).

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Miscellaneous Improvements

  • Exchanges: possibility to exchange separately a CDM graph, a conceptual property, a dictionary constant or an error message.

  • Improvement of the USRPRF utility ( Access management): the utility can be accessed from an environment. In this case, the simple users will be able to manage only their own accesses, and the administrator users - all the accesses existing in the environment. Moreover, filters are available for accesses selection.


  • Visual Debuger: possibility to change the display order in variables monitoring feature.

  • Database management tool: as for data management (.dat files), the files encoded in Unicode are taken into account (the BOM allows to specify the encoding).

  • Individual/global comparison: it is now possible to compare dictionary constants and error messages.

  • Resources: the resource analyse dialog box allows now to open the editor or to start the generation of programs which are using the resource.

  • The interface of the conceptual properties/entities management was reorganised in order to align it with the LDM interface.

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