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Two cases must be considered:


  • If the average cardinality of the TARGET entity is different from 0, the key of the SOURCE entity is introduced as a redundant property into the logical entity coming from the TARGET conceptual entity. The properties possibly held by the relationship become the properties of the TARGET conceptual entity.

  • If the average cardinality of the TARGET entity is 0, the relationship is transformed into a logical entity. The key of this logical entity is the key of the TARGET entity. The key of the SOURCE entity is introduced as a redundant property into the created logical entity. The properties possibly held by the relationship become the properties of the logical entity created.



Analysis of the average cardinality of (0,1):

  • Average cardinality at 1: the key of the entity SUPPLIER (Supplier_code) is duplicated into the entity ITEM as a property of this file. The properties of the relationship (Unit_price and Delivery_time) are migrated into the entity ITEM.

  • Average cardinality at 0: the relationship PRICE becomes a logical entity, with the key of the entity ITEM (Item_code) as its key. The key of the entity SUPPLIER (Supplier_code) is duplicated into this entity as a property of this file.



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