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To modify a shortcut, you must either:

  • Double click a shortcut in the shortcut management window of the Installation program creation wizard.

  • Select the Modify option from the context-sensitive menu of the same window.

Warning: with Mobile installations, shortcuts are not configurable, only the shortcut name can be modified.


Displayed data


Name of the application file to be used as the basis for the shortcut.


Data entry


Shortcut name, as it will appear in the Start menu or on the desktop.

Length: 50 characters maximum.

Mandatory entry.



File containing the icon to be associated with the shortcut.

If the source file is an executable file, you can either specify that file or else an ".ICO" file, by clicking the Browse button. Any other file type would result in the failure of the shortcut creation procedure.

If the source file is any other type, the field will be blank and unmodifiable. In this case, Windows will assign a standard icon if one is specified for the given file type (e.g. help icon, text file icon, etc.).

In the case of a Mobile application, this information is not used in the current implementation; instead, the icon of the program or executable referenced in the command line is used by the CE installer.


Command to run

Command that will be executed when its shortcut is called.

This command line allows you to:

    • specify the use of a particular application to open text files, rather than Windows' default application;

    • configure an application to update automatically. Click here for more details .

If you leave this field blank, the shortcut will be created automatically.

You cannot specify a command line with Mobile installations.


Examples of use of the command line:

    • Opening a text file with Notepad:



Path: help\readme.txt

Command line: notepad help\readme.txt


    • Running an application with parameters, the application being located in a subdirectory:



Path: subdir\MYPGM.exe

Command line: subdir\MYPGM PARAM1 PARAM2


    • Running an application via the version manager when installing an automatic update.



Path: MYPGM.exe



Note: By default, when the shortcut to the file "VerCtrl.exe" is created in the shortcut creation screen, the command line is specified as follows:

"VerCtrl.exe [LogicalServerName] APP_NAME " MYPGM O"

You should replace "[LogicalServerName]" with a valid logical server name and add the program's parameters.


    • To run an application via the Visual Adelia application launcher, "AdelLauncher.exe":



Path: subdir\MYPGM.exe

Command line: AdelLauncher.exe subdir\ MYPGM.exe



By default, when the shortcut to the "AdeLauncher.exe" file is created in the shortcut creation screen, the command line is specified as follows:

"AdelLauncher.exe subdir\MYPGM.exe". When the MYPGM.exe process is executed, the current directory will be the one that contains MYPGM.exe, and the application's install directory (i.e. the one where AdelLauncher.exe is placed in "integrated runtime" mode) will be added at the top of the PATH.

AdelLauncher must be used in "integrated runtime" mode only.




List box containing the various shortcut types that can be created.

Possible values:

"Start menu"

Adds an item to the Start menu.

"Desktop icon"

Adds an icon to the desktop.


Adds an item to the Start menu and an icon on the desktop.

Default: "Start menu".




This button opens a Windows system dialog box that lets you select an icon file.


Modify (validation)

This button validates the information entered.

The various fields of the dialog box are verified. If all are valid, the shortcut definition is updated; if not, an error message is displayed.



Closes the dialog box without validating the information entered.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


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