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Single-selection list

  • Select an object: a single click with the left button of the mouse.

  • Default action: a double click with the left button of the mouse.
    The default action may be, for example:

- opening the dialog box corresponding to the definition of the selected object;

- transferring the item currently selected in the list to the other list, when two lists are displayed side by side;

- retrieving an object selected in a prompt;

- etc.

Extended-selection list

The extended selection features the same characteristics as the single selection, with the following additional options:

Select several objects

Continuous selection:

Click an object, then drag the mouse along the list while holding the left button; release the button.


Click an object, then release the button.

Press and hold the Shift key, then click a second object: all the objects between both objects will be selected.

Specific objects:

Press and hold the Ctrl key, then click each object to be selected.

Select all objects

Press and hold the Ctrl key, then press A key.

Deselect all objects

Press and hold the Ctrl key, then press D key.

Deselect an object

Press and hold the Ctrl key, then click the object to be deselected.

Note: When you select several objects in a list, the operation requested by activating a button (modify, copy, etc.) is applied successively to each object selected.

Copy data from selected objects

Press Ctrl then C to copy the displayed data from the selected objects to the clipboard (delimited format, values are separated by tabs).

Sequencing objects

  1. Select the object to be moved.
  2. Move the mouse pointer on the list: a thick red line appears between two objects in the list.
  3. Click with the right button when the line is on the required location: the object is moved to this location.


For certain objects, an entry field located above the list can be used to enter a filter. This filter is a selection criterion which limits the list's displayed contents.

Alphanumeric filter

Alphanumeric filters may consist of figures, letters and joker characters such as "?" and "*".


    • The ITEM? filter displays all the objects whose name fits in five characters and starts with "ITEM".

    • The ITEM* filter displays all the objects starting with "ITEM".

    • The *10 filter displays all the objects ending with "10".

    • The *CODE* filter displays all the objects containing the word "CODE".

Numeric filter

You can set a numeric filter by defining a value range in the format: minimum value, dash, maximum value.


    • The filter 10-30 lists all values between 10 and 30.

    • The filter -50 lists all values lower than or equal to 50.

    • The filter 30- lists all values greater than or equal to 30.

    • The filter 50 lists the value 50.

Note: Numeric filters are currently only used for error messages.

Clicking the right mouse button in the entry field displays a list of the most recently-used filters.

Click here for more information about the context-sensitive menus available for certain lists.

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