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Web services

The Visual Adelia and Adelia Web programs are now able to consume Web services using complex input parameters.

Adelia also supports:

  • one-way consumption (IN-ONLY),

  • transport layer timeout management on Web service call,

  • SOAP 1.2 envelopes,

  • DIGEST and NTLM type authentications,

  • the WS-Security, WS-Addressing, WS-Policy and WS-SecurityPolicy standards.

  • Adelia can now produce services with lists or tables as input parameters.
  • Added the WS_CONFIGURE instruction that lets you configure the behaviour of a Web service produced with Adelia Studio.

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Adelia Web: Browser Previous / Next button support

Adelia lets you control your application's behaviour when the browser " Previous" and " Next" buttons are used.


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Adelia Web: AUTOSUGGEST object

The Autosuggest object contains a modifiable text box and an input assistant by displaying a list of results corresponding to the user's real-time input.



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Visual Adelia: SPLIT BAR object

The Split Bar object is used to divide a window or part of a window into several sections.

It is comprised of one or more divisions, themselves comprised of two views separated by an horizontal or vertical bar. The views can be resized by dragging the bar with the mouse.

On movement of a split bar, the graphic controls located on either side can be adjusted.



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Visual Adelia: Other graphical object improvements

  • List object: Added the _LST_COL_WINDOWS_SYSTEM color for the SELECT_LINE_TEXT_COLOR and SELECT_LINE_BACKGROUND_COLOR, which represents the system color set in the Windows properties for selected line appearance.

  • List and Column objects: Management of column and column header tooltips. Notes available for list cells.

  • Image object: An image's transparent background now takes into account not only the window background, but also the content of an image placed below the image.

  • The new ACTIVE property of the Image object and the new OVERLAP property of Text, Output Field, Check Box, Radio Button List and Frame objects now make it possible to set an image as a window background (for which the FORCE_REDRAW_OBJECTS has been enabled).

  • Image, List, Push button and Menu item objects: Transparency support for images in 32-bit PNG format (24-bit PNG with alpha channel for transparency).


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Visual Adelia/ Adelia Web language: Miscellaneous improvements

  • Indexed lists : The declarative order LIST_INDEX is used to define an index for a list. The following orders can be used on indexed lists: READ_ELT, READ_NX_ELT, READ_PR_ELT, READ_F_ELT and READ_L_ELT.

  • SEND_MSG *VARMSG server-side :The instruction SEND_MSG in *VARMSG mode can now be used in a server part (server part of a VADELIA or WADELIA program or in a SADELIA program). This server-side instruction can only be used if the error message file has also been generated on the server side. This option is now available when generating the error message file for Visual Adelia or Adelia Web or Mobile. In the case of a multilingual application, the VaToolBxSetServerLanguage function can be used to define the language for the server part.


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Visual Adelia language: Miscellaneous improvements

  • Added the following VaToolBx DLL functions:
    • VaToolBxGetMonitorFromWindow : This function retrieves the handle of the monitor displaying the window passed as a parameter.

    • VaToolBxGetMonitorFromPoint : This function retrieves the handle of the monitor containing the point whose coordinates have been passed as parameters.

    • VaToolBxGetMonitorCoordinates : This function retrieves the coordinates of the monitor or monitor workspace passed as a parameter.

    • VaToolBxEnumMonitors : This function enumerates the machine's active monitors.

    • VaToolBxSetRefWindow : This function defines a reference window for the VaToolBxCenterWindow function.

    • VaToolBxEncryptAdeliaPassword : This function encrypts a password using the Adelia Runtime algorithm (used for Adelia configuration files: MWCLIENT.INI, MWSERVER.INI, etc.).

  • Added the *FORCE option to the PRINT_VIEWS order to systematically assign the file fields to the layout fields, even if the last file read operation was unsuccessful.


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Adelia iSeries language

Added the *FORCE option to the PRINT_VIEWS order to systematically assign the file fields to the layout fields, even if the last file read operation was unsuccessful.


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Visual/Web debugger

  • In the left pane of the debugger, a tree view of the program structure indicates the position of the cursor in the source code view. The text displayed in the source code view can also be copied.

  • Conditional breakpoints are now supported.


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Installation manager

  • The installation manager now supports AS/400 server parts. From an AS/400 server variant, it is possible to create a Windows installation program that installs or updates an application's AS/400 server objects on an AS/400. AS/400 server variants can also be used to create or update an SQL database on the AS/400.

  • When creating a server or client and server variant, the system checks that the client part of the server parts used is of the same level (in order to limit risks of triggering the Middleware 53 error when running the application).


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Version marker

The objects created when generating Adelia iSeries, Visual Adelia or Adelia Web programs can now contain application and version number information (version/modification/patch/build) information.

Each program in an environment has its own version number. This version number may, however, be globally modified upon selection of programs from the object manager or from the maintenance manager results pages.

It is also possible to set a version number for a correction such that this number is assigned to all correction programs when this correction is validated.



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Correction manager

  • Support for object deletion during correction validation.

  • Added the Hold option to object use analysis boxes.

  • Object management boxes: It is now possible to specify in the filter that only objects held in their default correction should be displayed.


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iSeries, Visual and Web layout managers

  • It is now possible to assign or modify the logical origin of an existing layout field. This modification can be implemented either individually or globally.

  • Variables album placement or establishment boxes: It is now possible to access all repository entities (and no longer just the entities assigned to the current application area) by checking the Display all repository logical entities box.

  • Visual Adelia layout manager: Added the Copy names option to copy the names of the selected objects to the Windows clipboard. This operation can be used, for example, to paste the names of the objects concerned by the OBJECT_GROUP instruction.


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4GL Editor: Miscellaneous improvements

  • Added a vertical bar to the right of the source code, displaying "strips" showing the errors/warnings in the current text (option available from the Tools > Options menu, Bookmarks tab ), along with the bookmarks. When the mouse hovers over the strip, the error/warning message is displayed and single-clicking the strip takes you to the concerned line.

  • Added the Highlight word occurrences context-sensitive menu item, that highlights all occurrences of the word in the source code. Lines containing occurrences are identified by strips in the vertical bar to the right of the source code. The "highlight word occurrences" mode can be automatically enabled (option available from the Tools > Options menu, Bookmarks tab ).

  • Improved presentation of editor tooltips.

  • The variables of a view are displayed in the editor tooltips.
    Control break fields are displayed in the editor tooltips.
    For a program, the parameter name and designation are displayed in addition to its type.

The following screenshot gives a visual representation of the various improvements.

On this screenshot, occurrences of the word CLIENT are highlighted in gray and indicated by gray strips in the right-hand vertical bar.
The blue strip corresponds to a user bookmark and the red one to a line containing an error. The tooltip gives the definition of a view.


  • Ability to define a favorite logical server: Simply pressing CTRL+ALT+S after selecting a series of lines will assign them to this server.
    Added the keyboard shortcut CTRL+ALT+L to release the selected lines from their assignment to a logical server.

  • When the cursor is on a block start instruction, the keyboard shortcut CTRL+^ (4GL editor Edit menu ) moves the cursor to the block end instruction (and vice versa). This works on the following instruction blocks: IF/ELSE/END, DO_WHILE/REDO, SWITCH/IF_VALUE/END_SWITCH, READ_LST/END_READ_LST, etc.
    This keyboard shortcut also applies to the opening and closing parentheses of a calculation expression or logical condition.

  • Visual/Web/Mobile programs: While entering your source code, you can go to the current paragraph declaration section by pressing the keyboard shortcut CTRL+D, or to the program's global declarations section via the keyboard shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+D (global declaration). To return to your previous position, press CTRL+D.

  • When creating paragraphs from the tree view, you are now taken directly to name input mode (used to modify the name proposed by default).

  • Editor search function: The scope of the Search/ Replace function can be limited to the active block. The scope of the Replace function can be limited to the active block, or to the current selection.

  • Bookmarks placed in source code by a software engineer are now backed up (software engineer-related backup) and can be globally deleted (option available from the Tools > Options menu, Bookmarks tab ).

  • Reorganization of the editor Indents and Environment tabs.

  • An horizontal tiled display can be defined.

  • In an iSeries source, the Modify option on the context-sensitive menu opens the variable/view/break modification dialog box when the cursor is positioned on a variable/view/break name in the source code.

  • In an iSeries source in tree view mode, the breaks in the tree view and those in the input assistant are now synchronized.

  • Display of constants associated with Window object properties.

  • Input assistant, Graphical objects page: A graphical object's methods are displayed via a context-sensitive menu on the graphical object.

  • Input assistant, Reports page: The names of the Adelia report formats are displayed.

  • Improved configuration of the default option (double-click) for the Repository boxes, with added Open option (available from the Tools > Options menu, Environment tab ).

  • Repository boxes in a correction environment: Added a symbol indicating whether the object is held in a correction (the object is shown in red if it is held in the default correction).

  • Repository box, LDM tab : It is now possible to view all entities/indexes/repository joins (instead of those for the current application area only) by checking the All repository files box.

  • Repository box, Constant dictionary tab: A comment can be associated with the definition of a constant. When the translation manager extracts constants from the dictionary, this comment is used as the comment associated with the constant to translate.


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Quality management


Adelia can analyze program sources to extract the quality metrics and programming rule exceptions, and this for a group of programs.

The quality metrics are, for example, the number of lines, the percent comments, the number of paragraphs, the average number of lines per paragraph, etc.

Rule violations may, for example, relate to failure to conform to naming conventions for variables (or views, breaks, etc.), the presence of "inaccessible" instructions (instructions placed behind TERMINATE, PROCESS, PROCESS_PGM, etc.), etc.

Warnings and information messages are also considered as rule exceptions. You can define your own metrics and rules, in addition to those provided by Adelia.


Adelia also provides an Adelia plugin for Sonar (open source software quality monitoring product by SonarSource) enabling analysis results to be processed by this product.


Viewing quality data (Quality manager)


Program violations (Quality manager)


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Validation option in the environment attributes


On the environment attribute pages or logical level of an application area concerning the program or database generation platforms, it is now possible to validate the data entered (verification of Middleware connections, compile test in the case of a Windows/Java compilation server, database connection test, library/director creation, jobd creation/modification, etc.).


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Database: Integrity constraints


A logical entity can now possess "unique key", "foreign key" or "check" integrity constraints. These constraints are managed by the target DBMS.

Moreover, if the user has a CDM, Adelia can automatically propose constraints derived from this CDM.



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CDM: Miscellaneous improvements


  • From an entity, it is now possible to display the relationships in which it participates, long with any subtype entities.

  • From a relationship or entity, it is possible to display all of its component graphs.

  • In data type management, the Analyze and Properties options have been merged into the Analyze option that, in addition to logical properties using a data type, now displays the list of conceptual properties that use it.


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LDM: Miscellaneous improvements


  • Added the Copy option to logical entity property management.

  • Added the Import option to logical entity property management, that lets you import one or more logical properties from a different entity.

  • Data type management: The Analyze and Properties options have been merged into the Analyze option that, in addition to logical properties using a data type, now displays the list of conceptual properties that use it.

  • If, when creating an index or joint entity, the file name is not specified and the Generate real file name box is checked, Adelia determines the file name from the first 10 characters of the index or join entity name (instead of 8 characters previously).


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Miscellaneous improvements


  • Added the Copy option to report management.

  • Error message management: Added a level 1 or 2 text-based search for messages.

  • When generating error messages, the default generation platform proposed is that specified during the previous generation operation (instead of systematically proposing "Adelia - AS/400" as was previously the case).

  • Job manager: In the AS/400 message display box, any messages associated with compile failures are displayed in red.

  • Maintenance manager: Added the possibility to search for objects associated with an installation, task or correction.

  • Adelia Studio supports multi-monitor display. A software engineer can configure the product's behavior from the Preferences.

  • Adelia Middleware is now compatible with IPV6 addresses.

  • A DBMS database (Oracle, DB2, SQL Server) can contain several Adelia environments/buffers (one schema per environment/buffer).


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