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To open this page, click the Criteria definition tab in the Multisource search window.

This page lets you configure the search criteria. You can then run the search by clicking the Find button.

The search results will be displayed in one of the two result pages.

Search text

Data entry


Character string to be sought in the sources.

The associated button lets you select a number of common elements found in regular expressions.

This button is only active if the Regular expression box (below) is cheched.



Any character

Represents any single character (.)

Character range

Enters a range of possible characters ([])

Example: [A-Z]

Line start

Locks the expression at the start of the line (^)

Valid only at the start of an expression.

End of line

Locks the expression at the end of the line ($)

Valid only at the end of an expression.

Stored subexpression

Subexpression that is stored for the Find and Replace function (())

Non-stored subexpression

Subexpression that is not stored (())


Logical OR (|)

Example:  num_bin_2|num_bin_4

Zero, one or more occurrences

Repeats the expression zero, one or more times (*)

One or more occurrences

Repeats the expression at least once (+)


Repeats the expression in a quantified manner (x times, or from x to y times ({})  

Example: {2,5} expression repeated between 2 and 5 times.

* equivalent to {0,}

+ equivalent to {1,}


Represents spacing characters (\s)

ID character

Represents a character that can be part of an identifier (for Adelia, except for EBCDIC characters) (\w).

Decimal digit

Represents a digit (\d). Equivalent to [0-9]

Check boxes

Regular expression


The input string is interpreted as a regular expression. The button used to access this field is active.

Not checked

The search is performed on the text in the input string.

Search options

Check boxes

Whole word


Search for whole word.

Not checked

The search is performed on the text in the input string.

Case insensitive


The search is not case-sensitive.

Not checked

The system searches for the character string exactly as it is entered, with the same use of upper and lower case.

Ignore comments


The search ignores any comments.

Not checked

The search takes any comments into consideration.

Ignore constants


The search ignores constants.

Not checked

The search takes constants into consideration.

Search scope

Data entry

Search in

This list lets you limit the search scope. You can perform a search on an application area, on the entire repository, or on the objects returned by a previous search (Results page 1, 2 or total).

By default, the search is performed on the current application area.

Source selection
Source name

You can enter a source name to restrict the search. You can use the * and ? wildcard characters (regular expressions). If this field is left blank, there will be no results.

Default setting: "*".

Belongs to

This list lets you filter the search for objects "belonging" to other objects, held by a correction, part of a task, installation or build component.

The list does not display all possible objects. To select an object that is not displayed, use the appropriate "Select..." option in the list. A dialog box is displayed allowing you to choose the object. The name and type of the selected object appear in the list.

Default value: [Unspecified] (sources will be searched for irrespective of their owner).


Source type

This tree list sets out the various source types that can be sought.

By default, all types are checked. To exclude a source type from the search, just uncheck the box to its left.


- With ADELIA programs, you can check the Extension to the views box to include the names of the files used by the programs in the search.

- With Visual Adelia programs, you can check the Block description box to include the block names in the search.

- With management rules, you can check the Real use box. Any programmed objects that effectively use a management rule matching the search criteria are immediately added to the results list.

Selection of management rules according to type

Radio buttons

At least one of the selected types

Only the rules with at least one of the source types defined in the Source type list may be found during the search.


If the Adelia and Web source types are checked, then only the management rules whose source type is either Adelia or Web, or Adelia and Web, may be found.


Only the rules whose source type is exactly (and only) that defined by the Source type list may be found during the search.


If Adelia and Visual types are checked, then only the management rules whose source type is Adelia AND Visual can be found.

If Web type is checked, then only the management rules whose source type is Web can be found.

Source lines selection

Data entry

Software engineer

This list lets you restrict the search to the source lines produced by a given software engineer.

Default setting: [Undefined] (sources will be selected irrespective of their owner).

Logical server

This combo box lets you restrict the source lines linked to a given logical server.

Possible values:

"[Server name]"

name of the required logical server.


any logical server.

"[Client part]"

all client parts.

"[Server part]"

all server parts.

Default setting: "[Undefined]"

Important: This data is only meaningful with Visual Adelia and Adelia Server programs and Visual type management rules.


    • Source lines in Adelia Server programs are only considered to be linked to a server part.
    • Source lines in [Common] control breaks or procedures are considered to be linked to both a server part and a client part.
    • Source lines in [Server] control breaks or procedures are considered to be linked to a server part and to the logical server used when defining the control break or procedure.
    • Source lines in [Client] control breaks or procedures are considered to be linked by default to a client part, unless the user has assigned them to a specific logical server.

Dates (From/Until)

Only the source lines modified between the specified dates will be selected if the relevant boxes are checked.

Default setting: current date, with the boxes unchecked.


    • If you want to modify the creation or modification date fields, you must check the boxes to their left. You should then select the day, month or year and change it either by clicking the arrows to the box's right or by entering the required date directly on the keyboard.
    •  You can enter a start ("From") date without specifying an end ("Until") date, and vice versa. In this case, the shaded date in the unselected box will be ignored when the search is performed.
    • Management of source line modification dates was introduced in version 8.2 of Adelia/IWS. To prevent confusion, any lines already written are now initialized with the date 00/00/00.

Results display parameters

Check boxes

Work with source lines


You will be able to view the source lines returned by the search directly using the Display lines button in the results tab with no need to open the source.

Not checked

You will not be able to view the source lines returned by the search directly in the results tab.

Radio buttons

Result page 1

If this radio button is checked, the search results will be displayed on the page in the Result 1 tab.

Result page 2

The search results will be displayed on the page in the Result 2 tab.

Important: Whenever a new search is performed, it overwrites the results already displayed on the relevant page.



This button is used to start the search.

The search leaves the user in control. You can browse between the various tabs to check how the search is progressing. However, all buttons are disabled during the search, and you cannot exit the Multisource search or modify the search criteria.

The only action available to the user is to stop the search with the Stop button.

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