Triggered when the object loses the focus.
Triggered when:
- the user clicks on the object with the left mouse button.
- the user presses the space bar when the object is in focus.
- the user presses the ENTER key when the object has the DEFAULT_BUTTON property.
Triggered when the user clicks the left mouse button over the object (triggered as soon as the mouse button is depressed).
Triggered when the mouse pointer is moved within the area covered by the object.
Triggered when the user clicks on the object with the right mouse button.
Triggered when the user clicks the right mouse button over the object (triggered as soon as the mouse button is depressed).
Note: This event is not available in Mobile generation for Pocket PC and Smartphone platforms.
Triggered when the object is placed in focus.
Triggered when the button's ToolTip is about to appear. Useful for specifying certain ToolTip properties before it is displayed.
Note: This event is not available in Mobile generation for Pocket PC and Smartphone platforms.
Triggered when the button's ToolTip is about to disappear.
Note: This event is not available in Mobile generation for Pocket PC and Smartphone platforms.
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