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The execution of VaToolBxSendToAvroKafka and VaToolBxSendToAvroKafkaWithKey functions is based on a configuration file in YML format defining the configuration of each Adelia logical broker manipulated in the 4GL source by the two VaToolBxSendToAvroKafka and VaToolBxSendToAvroKafkaWithKey functions.


Example of 4GL:

CALL_DLL 'VaToolBx.dll' 'VaToolBxSendToAvroKafka' 'myKafkaLogicalBroker' myTopic myInstance myReturnCode myReturnMessage


CALL_DLL 'VaToolBx.dll' 'VaToolBxSendToAvroKafkaWithKey' 'myKafkaLogicalBroker' myTopic myInstance myKey myReturnCode myReturnMessage


In this example, myKafkaLogicalBroker corresponds to a logical broker whose characteristics are defined in this configuration file.


This file is defined when starting up the JVM with the environment variable com.hardis.adelia.kafka.configuration

.. -Dcom.hardis.adelia.kafka.configuration=C:\directory\AdeliaKafkaConfig.yml


Example of configuration to start up Tomcat (by adapting catalina.bat):





%_EXECJAVA% %LOGGING_CONFIG% %LOGGING_MANAGER% %JAVA_OPTS% %CATALINA_OPTS% %DEBUG_OPTS% -D%ENDORSED_PROP%="%JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS%" -classpath "%CLASSPATH%" -Dcatalina.base="%CATALINA_BASE%" -Dcatalina.home="%CATALINA_HOME%""%CATALINA_TMPDIR%" -Dcom.hardis.adelia.kafka.configuration="D:\MyConfig\AdeliaKafkaConfig.yml" %MAINCLASS% %CMD_LINE_ARGS% %ACTION%

This file is read during the first execution of:

     LOAD_DLL 'VaToolBx'

or CALL_DLL 'VaToolBxSendToAvroKafka'
or CALL_DLL 'VaToolBxSendToAvroKafkaWithKey'


Example of configuration file:

# Adelia Kafka settings (logical brokers from Adelia VaToolBxSendToAvroKafka & VaToolBxSendToAvroKafkaWithKey)
#    Example: CALL_DLL 'VaToolBx.dll' 'VaToolBxSendToAvroKafka' 'myKafkaLogicalBroker' Topic Instance ReturnCode ReturnMessage
# This file is defined when running jvm with -Dcom.hardis.adelia.kafka=C:\...\KafkaAdeliaConfig.yml
#    Example: update catalina.bat to launch Tomcat with this property

# Properties names:
#    Kafka  properties : bootstrap.servers, etc. please refer
#    Adelia properties : name starting with 'adelia.' for example 'adelia.sendmode'

# Adelia Kafka logical broker 'myKafkaLogicalBroker'
   # bootstrap.servers => a list of Kafka brokers
   # schema.registry.url => schema registry url (for example http://localhost:8081
   # acks => number of acknowledgments the producer requires the leader to have received before considering a request complete (string value so "0" instead of 0).
   acks: "0"
   # retries => 0 so if the request fails then the producer does not retry
   retries: 0
   # => how long KafkaProducer.send() and KafkaProducer.partitionsFor() will block 123
   # key.serializer => serializer class for key that implements the org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Serializer interface.
   key.serializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer
   # value.serializer => serializer class for value that implements the org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Serializer interface.
   value.serializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArraySerializer
   # producer.type => async
   producer.type: async
   # => delay (default value 0) to define how the producer groups together any records that arrive in between request transmissions into a single batched request. 0
   # => id to pass to the server when making requests so the server can track the source of requests beyond just IP/port by passing a producer name for things like server-side request logging ('auto' value for host name for IP address sender). auto
   # adelia.partition => partition (if a valid partition number is specified that partition will be used when sending the record. If no partition is specified but a key is present a partition will be chosen using a hash of the key. If neither key nor partition is present a partition will be assigned in a round-robin fashion).
   # adelia.partition: 
  # adelia.sendmode => sending mode ('fireandforget' is default value)
   # adelia.sendmode: fireandforget

# Adelia Kafka logical broker 'myKafkaLogicalBroker2'
# Adelia Kafka logical broker 'myKafkaLogicalBroker3'


In this example, this file defines the configuration of 3 logical brokers: myKafkaLogicalBroker, myKafkaLogicalBroker2 and myKafkaLogicalBroker3.

YML document structure:


# this is a comment line in YML as it begins with a hash

propertyname1 : value1
propertyname2 : value2
propertyname3 : value3


this is a comment line in YML as it begins with a hash
propertyname1 : value1
propertyname8 : value8
propertyname11 : value11



Each property is either an:

  • Apache Kafka Producer property:
    all the properties are documented here.
    For example: bootstrap.servers, acks, retries, etc.
  • Special Adelia property (its name starts with adelia.)
    For example: 


If a valid partition number (in the Kafka sense) is specified, this partition will be used when sending the record.
If no partition is specified but a key is present, a partition will be chosen using a hash of the key.
If neither key nor partition is present, a partition will be assigned is a round-robin fashion. 

Mapped on the property
Identifier to transmit to the server during requests so this can track the source of requests beyond the IP/port address by transmitting a producer name for tasks such as server-side request logging.
'auto' = sender's IP address


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