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To display, create or modify the general characteristics of an installation variant, you must either:

  • Double-click a variant (for the Modify and Details options) of the Installation variants dialog box.

  • Select the Create, Modify or Details option from the context-sensitive menu of this dialog box.

Note: The available option will be either Modify or Details, depending on the user's authorities:

Modify If the user has write authority for the *INSTAL authority at Repository level. Additionally, only the installation owner or software engineers with modification authorities will have access to this option.
Details If the user is not the installation owner or does not have modification authorities.

Data entry


Variant name.

This name must be a unique variant name in this installation (other installations can have variants with the same name)

Length: 15 characters maximum.

Mandatory entry.


Description clearly identifying the variant.

Length: 50 characters maximum.

Mandatory entry.

Check boxes or radio buttons


  • For Adelia Web installations (client part/server part), selection is made by using the radio buttons.
  • For Visual Adelia installations, selection is made by using the check boxes.
  • For an AS/400 type variant, the check boxes are shaded. The Server part box is checked.

Client part


The client part of the programs assigned to the installation will be taken into consideration.

Local access client part


The client part of the programs assigned to the installation will be taken into consideration, together with the server (SA) programs assigned to the installation.

Server part


The server parts of the programs assigned to the installation will be taken into consideration.

Radio buttons

Variant type


The installation manager will generate a Windows executable.


The installation manager will generation a file with the ".war" extension, containing the Java classes of the programs assigned to the installation (applies to Visual Adelia applications generated in Cloud).


The installation manager will generate a file with the ".jar" extension, containing the Java classes of the programs assigned to the installation.

Note: For an Adelia Web Studio installation (client part), the installation manager generates a ".war" file which contains the web application.


The install manager generates a Windows executable, the "Setup.inf" file, the "MSINSTAL.INI" file and the ".CAB" file. This latter contains a save file received from the AS/400 (*FILE SAVF type AS/400 file) encompassing the AS/400 objects and possible the Windows database management script files.

Note: the install program runs independently of the Adelia Runtime, both on the Windows workstation and on the AS/400. It does not need to be installed before performing an install.


Enter/Create/Modify (validation)

Pressing the Enter button (in display mode) closes the dialog box.

Pressing the Create button (in creation mode) or Modify button (in modification mode) validates the dialog box.

The various fields of the dialog box are verified. If all are valid, the variant definition is updated; if not, an error message is displayed.


Closes the dialog box without validating the choices made.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.

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