To display or modify the AS/400 generation options, select the AS/400 Options option from the context-sensitive menu associated with the logical server in the Generation dialog box (for VADELIA, WADELIA or SADELIA programs).
Data entry
Source file
Name of the storage library and name of the source file.
During the first generation procedure, the system suggests by default:
the source library name specified in the application area attributes if the program is private;
the source library name specified in the environment attributes if the program is public.
Object file
Name of the storage library and name of the object file.
During the first generation procedure, the system suggests by default:
the object library name specified in the application area attributes if the program is private;
the object library name specified in the environment attributes if the program is public.
Buttons used to access the various compilation prompts:
Opens the dialog box that allows to modify the CRTSQLRPGI command.
Opens the dialog box that allows to modify the CRTRPGMOD command.
Opens the dialog box that allows to modify the CRTPGM command.
Modify (validation)
Validates the modifications made and closes the dialog box.
Closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.
Keyboard shortcut: Esc.
Note: If the saved values are not the default values, you can restore them by validating the dialog box with the fields set to blank.