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The work window in the 4GL Editor will be set out differently, depending on the type of document opened.

  • Line form with the following document types:

    • Macro-instruction
    • Program: Adelia Interactive
    • Program: Adelia Batch
    • Program template
    • Class
    • Program: Visual Adelia Interactive
    • Program: Visual Adelia Batch
    • Program Server Adelia
    • Management rule: Adelia
    • Management rule: Common
    • Management rule: Visual Adelia


Text files are set out in line form too.


In both cases, the work window will include a title containing the name of the open document.


The document's source window has scroll bars at the bottom and right edges; these can be used to move the visible part of the document.


The work window can take up the full screen, or else be reduced in size to reveal other windows.


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